The Internet has changed the way people communicate and learn. While there are many advantages to being online, it’s not always the most convenient way of getting information. If you want to learn more about how the Internet works and how you can make the most of it, then this article is for you.
The Global Reach Of The Internet
Though the Internet was initially designed for use within North America, it now has a massive presence across the globe. In 2015, there were over 4.8 billion Internet users globally, and it’s estimated that this number will reach 7.4 billion by next year.
This astronomical growth has been driven largely by China and India, which have the largest Internet populations in the world. In fact, over half of the world’s Internet users now live in these two countries. In 2018, one in every five people on the Internet will be using a device created in or sold in China.
It’s important to stress that not all of these users are necessarily tech-savvy. In fact, around half of the world’s Internet users have never used a smartphone, computer, or other such device. This is in stark contrast to the early 2000s, when most people used the Internet on desktop computers.
The Rise Of Online Education
The popularity of online education took off in the early 2000s, after the widespread adoption of broadband Internet and the spread of smart devices, such as the iPad and Kindle Fire. Since then, distance learning has expanded beyond people simply attending classes online. Today, with the development of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and the explosive growth of social media, students can now take a virtual tour of a foreign destination or culture and then revisit topics covered in the course through online quizzes and homework assignments.
Additionally, students can now earn degrees without having to physically attend classes at one of the many prestigious universities around the world. This is a far cry from the days when people had to move to a different country to further their education – which is something that the Internet makes easier than ever before. Now, anyone with a broadband connection and a good WiFi signal can log on to an online university and start studying, without ever leaving the comfort of their homes.
The Impact Of The Internet On News Consumption
It’s well-established that the Internet has changed the way people find and consume news. Back when the Web was still in its infancy, most people primarily got their news from the mainstream media, such as newspapers and television channels. However, as we’ve all witnessed over the past 15 years, the mainstream media has failed to keep up with the rapidly shifting paradigms of news consumption.
The rise of social media and alternative news platforms, such as BuzzFeed, Reddit, and YouTube, has given people the ability to find and share the news content that best suits their needs and interests. As a result of this openness, the amount of news coverage dedicated to “fake news” has steadily risen over the years. In 2016, the most widely circulated fake news article was the viral story about Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote but losing the election due to fraudulent voting.
People now rely on online communities, such as Reddit, to ferret out the hottest gossip and credible news stories. As a result, the general public is gaining a better understanding of how journalism functions and how the news sausage is made. This, in turn, has led to a surge in the number of people seeking to become journalists.
Navigating The World Of Computing
You may be familiar with the phrase “learn how to code”, which you’ll often hear people throw about when referring to getting a computer science degree. While it’s true that many computer science degrees don’t involve a lot of actual coding, it’s also important to know that this is a relatively new phenomenon. For most of the 20th century, computer science was considered a “pure math” subject, with the associated courses, such as logic and mathematics, being taught using a human computer model. The first computer science degree was not offered at a university until 1969, and even then it was considered an elective.
These days, in order to prepare for a career in information technology, you’ll not only need a solid understanding of programming concepts, but you’ll also need to brush up on your skillset in various areas, such as networking and security. Luckily for you, we’ve got you covered on this front. Here are some of the most in-demand job titles and their respective average salaries as of 2022.
- Operations Manager: $122,000
- Network Engineer: $128,000
- Systems Administrator: $133,000
- Computer Network Specialist: $143,000
- Security Manager: $177,000
- Chief Information Security Officer: $182,000
The Evolution Of The Internet As We Know It
While the above items will have you well-prepared for a career in computing, it’s also important to keep in mind how much the Internet has changed in the last decade. In 2019, the average global temperature was 60 degrees Fahrenheit, which is almost 20 degrees warmer than the year before. This was made possible by greenhouse gas emissions being cut drastically during that time period.
Thanks to initiatives such as the European Union’s Emissions Trading System, which started in 2005, greenhouse gas emissions have dropped by more than 7% worldwide.
In the coming decades, as our planet continues to heat up due to climate change, the roles that the Internet plays in our lives will only grow in significance.