Have a look at any of the biggest celebrity gossip or news websites and you’ll notice a striking similarity in the way they cover stories. You’ll often see the same names crop up time and time again; people who become newsworthy for a reason. Whether it’s an extremely high profile divorce, the shocking death of a famous person or an international incident involving one of the world’s biggest sporting teams, there’s always plenty to write about.
If you’re passionate about journalism and crave the freedom that comes with being able to write about whatever you want, but lack the confidence to actually start up a blog or website, then it’s well-worth exploring the possibility of freelancing. The reality is there’s plenty of work out there and the chances of you getting scooped on your first story are pretty slim.
The Growth Of Online Journalism
The world of journalism is changing and so is the way we consume news. Thanks to social media, anybody with a digital camera and an eye for a story can now become a journalist, armed with nothing more than a laptop and a dream. While this new breed of journalist might lack the clout of a traditional print journalist, they more than make up for it with their tenacity and hunger for a story.
If this sounds like something that could be of interest to you, then be sure to check out some of the many online opportunities available to learn journalism. Most of these will provide you with the technical capabilities you need to start up a successful blog or website, as well as giving you the opportunity to hone your skills and expand your knowledge. By taking a degree course in journalism, you’ll be able to enter the workforce with a well-deserved degree, confident that you have the skills necessary to succeed in this ever-changing industry.
Why Reddit?
It’s often said that the most reliable form of research is ‘alt-research’ – basically, doing your own research while also consulting with others who are considered authorities in their field. One of the best places for journalists and writers to get expert research is /r/datadrivenjournalism – a subreddit where users post research that they have done themselves, or consulted with others who are considered experts in their field.
This kind of content is usually well-written, heavily referenced and packed with high-quality information. If you’ve been searching for information on your topic or subject then this is the place to be. Whether you’re looking to become a sports journalist or an entertainment journalist, you’ll find plenty of material here to help you get started.
Reddit As A Hub For Learning
Aside from being a treasure trove of research, /r/datadrivenjournalism also serves as a hub for those who are looking to learn more about a particular subject. This is because the subreddit is very well-versed in almost every subject niche, including the many sub-forums. If you’re looking for a place to get started, then this is the perfect starting point. Within the subreddit, you’ll find users who are willing to help you out with any questions you might have regarding starting a blog or website, as well as those who are already working in the field and would love to share their expertise with future journalists and writers.
If you have a specific question about blogging, for example, you can search through the thousands of archived posts in the /r/datadrivenjournalism subreddit to see if someone else has already asked the question. If not, you can probably find the answer you’re looking for by contributing your own knowledge or research.
Blogs And Websites As A Great Way To Get Started
Blogs and websites are very accessible and can be a great way to get started, particularly if you’re looking for some extra cash. The great thing about these platforms is that all you need is a computer and a reliable internet connection to get started. Once you have those two things, you can literally start publishing content in next to no time at all.
The best part about this is that there’s no upfront investment needed – you don’t need to purchase expensive equipment or software to get started. Plus, you can literally start making money immediately. Though it might take some time to figure out how to make money from a blog or website, once you do, you’ll be able to employ some pretty cool monetization strategies. Some of the better known ad networks that support blogs and websites are Google Adsense, Affiliate Marketing and Media Income.
Becoming A Freelance Journalist Or Writer
Nowadays, it’s easier than ever to become a freelance journalist or writer. Thanks to the rise of freelance software such as InstaWriter, which offers an online tool for journalists and writers, the process of getting started is pretty streamlined. Simply log on to your InstaWriter account, find a job that suits your skills and experience and start pitching stories to magazines and newspapers.
The best part about this is that literally anything is possible – you don’t have to be a football reporter to start working in that field. Similarly, you don’t need to have a journalism background to get started as a photographer. As long as you have a computer and an internet connection, you can literally start up a successful freelance journalism career, no matter what your background may be.
If you’re interested in trying out journalism or writing as a freelance career, then Reddit is the place to be. Not only will you be able to get expert research on your topic, but you’ll also have access to an endless supply of resources, including blogs and websites that can help you get started.