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How to Learn Copywriting Skills for Your Business

What will make your business stand out from competitors? Your website content, of course!

The good people at Copyblogger suggest that you develop your own blogging strategy to attract potential customers, build authority, and earn trust. They also note that your web content should be concise, accurate, and interesting. Sounds like a great recipe for building a profitable business, right?

Even if you’re not a professional copywriter, you probably take for granted the skills you pick up from reading and writing copy every day. Did you know that you can use copywriting in several different ways to strengthen your business? Let’s take a look.

Creating compelling content for social media

Have you ever noticed how many businesses focus almost solely on SEO (search engine optimization), which helps your site show up in the natural search results for relevant keywords?

While SEO is important, you can’t ignore the potential of social media to reach potential customers that you may never see from your SEO-optimized website.

The idea behind social media marketing is to create compelling content that potential customers will find valuable or entertaining. With the variety of social media platforms out there, you can connect with millions of people across multiple channels.

To get started, simply find your target audience on social media and begin to build a following. Once you have a decent following, you can begin to use your social media to promote your business. The important thing to keep in mind is that you are not advertising on social media, you are engaging with your audience.

To create compelling content, you should focus on generating conversation around your business. Do this by sharing relevant and interesting information that will make your audience think and feel something new or different. If possible, you should also consider using data to back up your claims or ask questions.

Writing press releases that get picked up by journalists

A press release is kind of like an article that appears in a newspaper or magazine, but without all the fluff. When you write a press release, you’re trying to get your news or articles in front of as many people as possible. Even better if those people are influential or knowledgeable in your space.

If you want to write about your business, team, invention, or milestone, you can use a service like PRLog to connect with journalists that may be interested in your story. While this may seem like an easy way to get your content in front of the right people, it can actually be quite the opposite.

The key is to find the right journalists that are genuinely interested in your story and will actually read and credit your press release. If you want to learn more, check out the PRLog website for an article on how to write a winning press release.

Writing articles to increase website traffic

Do you ever read an article and hit the back button because there was nothing new or exciting to take away from it? As a business owner, you are probably tired of hearing that your website needs content to attract visitors. What you may not realize is that you can apply the same SEO and marketing techniques that you use for your website to some great effect in your offline world.

For instance, say you’re a realtor and you want to encourage more people to learn about your service, you can write a guest blog post for a real estate website with keywords in the headline and content to get organic traffic to your website.

Now, instead of just getting free traffic, you can use traffic coming to your website from real estate publications and websites to grow your business. It’s a win-win!

Attracting potential customers with email marketing

If you can capture someone’s attention with a well-written email, you can certainly keep them interested in your product or service. When you use email marketing to advertise your business, you are essentially doing the same thing as if you were running a regular mailer. Except you’re doing it online.

You can use email marketing to send out a newsletter containing valuable information your audience will find helpful. Or you can use it to send out freebie promos for your product or service. Don’t forget about the segmented email marketing approach, either. You can send an automated email to your customers when they sign up for your newsletter. Then, you can send them marketing emails that are highly relevant to what they’ve signed up for.

In the worst case scenario, you can even use email marketing to remind people that you exist and want to discuss your product or service. For example, if you sell children’s clothes and you notice a potential customer has just entered their email address to learn more about your product, you can send them an email containing a special code that they can use to take advantage of a 5% discount on their purchase. You wouldn’t want to miss out on a sale like that!

Running social media campaigns to increase website traffic

If you run a business with a physical store, you may feel that people within your community will be more inclined to visit your store than to log onto your website to purchase your product. But, that might not be the case. If you use social media to promote your business, you can run campaigns on several different platforms to bring in website traffic from all over the world.

For instance, if you host an online party every month to celebrate an important milestone in your business, you can create an online hub for people to come together and network. Or, if you’re trying to grow your eCommerce store to the next level, you can use Facebook Ads to focus your efforts on getting more people to visit your store instead of your website.

The important thing to keep in mind is that you should always be testing different platforms and measuring the results of your campaigns. Never get comfortable using the same tactics or the same platforms. Otherwise, you’ll find it very difficult to grow your business.

Writing letters to politicians and other influential people

Have you ever heard of someone famous writing to influential people to ask for their help? Sometimes, an idea will spark within you and you’ll want to pursue it without thinking too much about how it will affect your personal life. For example, you read about a politician who is willing to help out small businesses and you decide that you will write to request an audience with this politician to ask for their support in creating a special program for small businesses.

The problem is that you don’t have any idea what you’re doing and you have a lot of expectations about what will happen. So, you write your letter and address it to the “Dear Sir/Madam”, hoping that the person will read it and help you out. But, what happens is that your letter gets put in a pile with hundreds of other letters and normally, only the most urgent letters get noticed. And in this case, your letter ends up in a pile along with many other boring correspondence meant for powerful people.

You can actually apply this strategy to get the attention of people who can help your business. It’s not a bad idea to send a letter to an important person or politician to ask for help with your business. What you want to keep in mind is that politicians and influential people get a lot of letters and you have to stand out among the crowd to get noticed.

Using social media to promote your products and ventures

You can use various social media platforms to promote your products or ventures. This is especially beneficial if you want to reach people within your target audience.

For example, if you are a fashion mogul and you want to give something back to the community that has supported you, you can start a fashion charity that sells chic yet thrifty items to the public. Or, if you want to create a brand that stands for health and fitness, you can use your social media accounts to share relevant content about healthy living.

People love to support causes they believe in, whether it’s financially or through their products. So, you can take advantage of this to sell your products with the knowledge that you are helping others.

These are just a few ways that copywriting can help your business, team, and/or venture. It’s important to note that you should always be testing different platforms and measuring the results of your efforts. If you run a business and notice that you’re getting good results from using a particular platform, then you’ll want to continue using it and expand your reach. The more platforms you use, the more you can test which ones work and which ones don’t.