The process of learning a new language is difficult; there is a lot of information to take in and remember. In this article, we will discuss the different steps you can take to learn a foreign language and the many resources available to help you out!
Step 1: Select A Foreign Language
The first step is to determine which foreign language you will learn. There are hundreds of languages spoken around the world, and it’s not easy to choose just one!
You can start by asking other people or searching the internet for ‘learn vocabulary’. There are also multilingual dictionaries you can purchase that have words in many languages. You should also consider the country you will be living in as some languages are more common there than others. For example, in the UK, you will mainly learn British words and phrases as there is a large community of speakers. In Japan, the opposite is true as fewer people speak english there than in the UK. So if you want to learn from the natives, then Japan may not be the best choice!
Once you have your list of potential languages, take some time to learn about them. You can learn a new language in a matter of weeks, but it will take you much longer to master it. You should also consider the pronunciation and how to write the language in order to learn it properly. For example, Chinese can be difficult to master, as the tones alone can be confusing. The same goes for Japanese.
Step 2: Take A Short Course
If you decide online learning isn’t for you and you want to take a more conventional route, the next step is to find a short course. Short courses are a great way to learn a foreign language as they are usually only a few weeks long and can cover a lot of material. Some good short courses for beginners are
- Japanese in a Nutshell
- English in 3 Steps
- How to Order Food In Japanese
- How to Travel in Japan
- And More…
These courses only cover the basics of a foreign language and can get you to a fairly proficient level in no time. However, if you really want to learn Japanese or another foreign language, you will have to put in the time and effort to learn it properly. This is why short courses are great for those who want to dabble in a foreign language or for those who don’t have the time to devote to a serious study of a foreign language. You can use these courses as an easy way to learn Japanese or another foreign language while enjoying yourself!
Step 3: Join A Society
If you really want to learn a foreign language, the best way to do so is by joining a society. A society is a group of people who get together to speak a foreign language. You can join a Japanese society in your local town or in a city nearby that has a Japanese community. By joining a society, you will have access to a lot of courses, classes, and forums where you can ask questions and get help from native speakers. If you want to learn how to write in Japanese, for example, you can look up the Japanese writing guide which will give you an idea of how Japanese works and how words are built upon each other. You can also ask members of the society for help with words and phrases you don’t know. Joining a society is a great way to immerse yourself in a foreign language and master it quickly!
Step 4: Read Lots Of Books
The last step of any language course is to read lots of books. There are thousands of novels, poems, and plays written in Japanese and other languages that you can read. If you want to learn how to speak Japanese, for example, you can read Japanese novels or stories to gain inspiration and improve your speaking. Reading is a great way to learn a language and get inspiration from a variety of sources. One of the best things about this step is it doesn’t have to be done in order! You can read books in any order and go back and read ones you previously hadn’t had the chance to. This will help you to learn the language much faster as you will be able to see the words and phrases in context. If you are stuck on something in particular, you can go back and find the section you were struggling with and read it again. Books are a great way to learn a language, and with the advancements in printing and publishing, any book you want is within your reach. If you want to learn a foreign language and can’t decide which one to learn, try looking in your local library or bookstore for books on the topic!
There are many different ways to learn a foreign language. If you find that online learning isn’t for you, but you still want to learn a foreign language, then find a short course. Alternatively, if you have the time, then join a society and begin reading books. If you’re looking for a foreign language to visit or stay in, then Japan or another Asian country may be a good choice as there are many different dialects and tonal differences that can be difficult to master. If you find that you struggle with remembering words and want an easy way to learn, then try using a memory tool like Memrise or Mnemosyne to create flashcards for the words you don’t know.