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How to Label a Writing Sample for a Job Application

It is not always easy to find the right job, and when you do, the task of landing the gig can seem almost impossible. One of the most crucial aspects of your job search is your resume. A well-crafted resume can put you ahead of the competition and land you that desired job. But how can you put together a winning resume if you don’t know how to write a winning document? In order to write the perfect resume, you need to understand what makes for a successful document. And what better way to learn than from the masters? Therefore, in this blog post, we will teach you the keys to creating an effective resume that will leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Focus On The Skill Set

In life, we are often presented with a choice of something new or used. When it comes to a resume, they are not always the same. The majority of the time, you will have a choice between a new resume or an updated version of an existing resume. When you choose to update your resume, your goal should be to focus on your skills and how you have developed as a person (not simply what you have under your belt). When we look at the resume below, we can see that it has been updated to focus more on the skills the employer is looking for:

  • Data analysis
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Project Management
  • Writing

As you can see, the key to an effective resume is to put your skills first, and the rest of the document can be about you. For further reading, you should also check out:

How to write a winning resume

Keep It Short

Just as a tweet must only contain 140 characters, a resume should be no more than four or five pages. A lengthy resume is usually a sign of an unprofessional document. Keep everything in it simple and crisp, and make sure that your resume is easy to scan. The last thing you want is for the employer to have to stop and think while reading your resume.

Use Spellcheck

If you are applying for a job and happen to make a mistake in your resume, you will have to start from the beginning. However, don’t fret – there is a simple way to fix it. Spellcheck is an application that is available for both Mac and PC that can easily find spelling errors. And what’s even better is that it can also suggest words and phrases to match your meaning. Simply right click on any word that the spellchecker flags as incorrect, and you will see suggestions below. You can choose from a list of words that you should and should not use.

Add Keywords

When you use keywords in your resume, it makes it easier for the recruiter or employer to find your resume. Simply add the keywords in your document somewhere near the beginning, and make sure that they are relevant to the job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a marketing job and one of the essential keywords is SEO, you would want to include that in your resume’s header (at the very beginning).

Proofread And Edit

While you were typing up your resume, did you catch yourself making a mistake here and there? If so, you should definitely leave the errors for last. First, take a quick look at your resume to see if there are any words or phrases that you would like to change. Once you have identified the areas for improvement, take a short break and come back to it later. When you return, you should have a newly edited and proofread resume that shines above the rest.

Use A Cover Letter

Cover letters are incredibly important in today’s job search. A cover letter is a letter that is attached to your resume and gives the employer a quick overview of your skills and qualifications. A cover letter can help you stand out from the crowd of applicants and give you that extra edge in getting the job. It is usually addressed to whoever is in charge of hiring for the position you are applying for, and it gives the employer a sneak peek into what makes you special.

A cover letter should be no more than three pages. Keep it professional, and make sure to use a business format (like Times New Roman or Helvetica). Above all, make sure that it is memorable – short and sweet!

Label It

When you are done with your application, it is time to bind it and hit the road. Did you remember to label your resume? You should definitely apply the relevant skills from the job you just got. If you are using the SOWT template, you can simply check the appropriate box and hit the Next button. Otherwise, you can type the resume’s title in the Special Instructions box at the end.

Choosing the right job can be frustrating, especially since there are so many candidates with shining resumes. If you keep these tips in mind, you can write the perfect resume and make your job search a breeze.