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How to Invoice a Client for Copywriting Work

Many agencies and freelancers struggle with how to properly invoice their clients. Some wonder if they should charge them for every little bit of work, while others believe that they should charge a flat rate and leave it at that. Truth is, there is no exact formula for how much to charge your client. It really depends on a number of factors. For this reason, we’ve put together a quick guide that will help you figure out how much to charge your client for copywriting work. Keep reading for further information.

The Difference Between Invoice & Statement

An invoice is a document that you use to request payment from your client. You’ll submit this document to their bank, which will then process the payment. A statement, on the other hand, is a document that you use to track the goods or services that you provide to your client. You’ll submit this document to their bank, which will then process the payment. Statements can appear in different formats (PDF, XLSX, etc) but are mostly used in the PDF version. The reason for this is simple: PDFs are easier to read and more efficient as well. If your client is unfamiliar with invoicing or payment processing, a statement will serve as a good starting point. You can also use this statement to track the progress of your work. This way, when your client finally does pay you, you’ll have all the proof in front of you.

How Much Should You Charge Your Client For Copywriting Work?

This is a common question among freelancers and agencies. The short answer is: it depends. The amount that you charge your client will depend on a number of factors, but mostly on the amount of work that you’ve produced. If you’ve made a good faith effort to provide value to your client and they are happy with what you’ve delivered, you can ask for a small favor. Maybe they need a few articles for a blog post or website content, or perhaps they want to repurpose some of your content into an eBook that they’ll sell. In these situations, you might ask for something around $500 per hour or $20,000 for a three-month assignment, depending on the value that you’ve provided and their level of engagement. As you’ll see below, there are a number of strategies that you can use to maximize your earnings while minimizing your expenses.

When Should You Invoice Your Client?

You should invoice your client as soon as possible after completing the project. The longer that you wait, the more expenses that you’ll incur, in terms of printing and mailing the invoice on company letterhead, for example. Depending on how fast you do business and how expensive their letterhead is, you might decide to invoice them every two weeks. If you’re just getting started and do a ton of work for less than $500, you might want to wait until you make at least $500 in a month before you invoice. That way you can calculate your expenses and make sure that you’re making a healthy profit. Remember: your profit isn’t how much you make in terms of money, but rather how much you make in terms of value that you provide. In our example above, you’ve provided the client with content that they’ve used to generate sales leads and increase their bottom line. In other words, you’ve provided them with value and they paid you for that value.

How Much Should You Charge For An Article That You’ve Written For Free?

Sometimes you’ll be asked to write an article for free (or almost free). If you’re comfortable with this arrangement, you can negotiate a price that’s fair to both of you. In these cases, you shouldn’t invoice your client for the article itself, but you should rather invoice for the time that you spent writing it. For instance, if you’ve spent four hours writing the piece, you can ask for $20 or $25 per hour, plus expenses. ($25 per hour is a good starting point if you want to be able to buy a decent pair of shoes once a month.) In general, you should charge your client what you would for an identical project, but on your terms–which means, a set amount of time that you’re comfortable with, rather than a set amount of money. When negotiating with your client, be sure to keep to your end of the bargain by following up on your end of the discussion with a written proposal. This way, you’ll both be able to track what you’ve agreed to and won’t be tempted to renege on your end of the deal once the agreement has been reached. The proposal should include everything that you discussed as well as a number of other issues that might arise during the course of the project.

How Much Should You Charge For A Blog Post That You’ve Written On Your Own?

If you’ve written a blog post that’s been received well by your audience and continues to get decent traffic, you might want to consider charging the owner of the blog for the content. Think of a couple of your favorite blogs, the ones that you know and trust. Chances are, you’ve either been asked to write something for them, or you’ve read an article on their site that you’ve liked and decided to keep an eye out for when they might need help. If this is the case, you can approach the owner of the blog with a proposal to write something for them. It would be best to do this through their online media manager or community manager, since many times these individuals work with companies’ PR teams and can negotiate the best rates and terms for this type of work.

How Much Should You Charge For A Whitepaper That You’ve Written For Free?

A whitepaper is a lengthy document (typically between 20,000 and 40,000 words) that provides your readers with deep dive information on a specific industry or topic. If you’ve written a whitepaper for free, or almost free, you can negotiate a price with the person who requested the paper. Remember: you’re not always going to be able to gauge the amount of value that you provide based on money, so make sure that you account for all the advantages that you’ve gained by providing free paper to a potential client.

When Should You Refund Payment?

Once your client has paid you (or almost paid you) in full, you have to decide whether or not you’ll refund them the rest of the money. The answer to this question will depend on a number of factors. Perhaps you’ve done some work for them that they didn’t ask for and didn’t need, or perhaps you’ve just exceeded the scope of their original project, which you then had to rewrite. In these situations, you might want to consider whether or not you’re actually going to provide value to the client by refunding their payment. In the case that you have and they are still happy with the work that you’ve provided, you can then ask for another project. You might also need to refund them the payment if you’ve submitted an invoice that was more than 30 days past due. Many times agencies will extend the 30-day grace period for smaller projects, but for anything else, the sooner you return the payment, the sooner you’ll get your money back.

How To Get Paid

The best (and perhaps only) way to be sure that you get paid is to get a paystub. This is a document that contains your name, the amount that you were paid, and the date on which you were paid. You should receive a paystub from your client once you’ve completed a project. Unfortunately, not all clients are going to issue you a paystub (which is why you have to ask for one), so you also have to make sure that you ask for them whenever you’re paid. Stubs are usually included in your client’s next paycheque. If you want, you can also ask for electronic evidence of payment, such as a pay-pal receipt or a transaction confirmation from your bank. Many times your client will use a payment service that offers this type of verifiable proof of payment. If you do and they aren’t paying you on time, this is probably why. You can fight this type of thing with the Better Business Bureau or an attorney, but it’s usually not worth the time and effort. The better solution is to find another client.