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How to Include Social Media Writing Samples for Social Media Job Applications

Creating engaging content is a great way to gain attention and grow your following on social media. However, oftentimes, applicants don’t have the required content to show off their abilities. Luckily, you can include some amazing social media writing samples in your job application to demonstrate your prowess.

Include Blogs, Articles, and More

It’s always great to have a well-curated blog or article collection to exhibit in your job application. If possible, you can also include web products or other content that’s relevant to the position you’re applying for. The more content you have, the more persuasive you will be considered to be.

Demonstrate your Research Ability

The job applicants can be seen as a bit short-changed when it comes to research. If you can, you should include some sample articles or blog posts demonstrating your research ability. If possible, you can also look into including a research project that you’ve undertaken. This will also serve as a great opportunity to demonstrate your initiative and dedication to the role you’re applying for.

Highlight your Transitions

An important aspect of your job application is your ability to provide compelling evidence of your skills. To effectively do this, you can look into including your previous experience as part of your portfolio. If possible, you can also include relevant certificates or accolades that further enhance your candidacy.

Present Yourself as an Expert

There is no simple formula for becoming a successful social media consultant; however, one important element is to present yourself as an expert. Therefore, you should look into including your expertise by citing well-founded sources of information. Further, you can highlight your expertise by providing solutions to commonly asked questions.

Be Unique

Your job application is, in part, an expression of who you are as a person. To make it standout, you can put into practice various ways to be unique. One effective way is to include a personal anecdote in your application. Further, you can be unique by using different writing styles, such as a personal mission statement or a thoughtful rationale for your career change.

Include Quotes from Relevant Industry Experts

Quotes are always a great way to add a personal touch to your job application. However, make sure that the quotes you include are relevant to the role you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a copywriter position, including quotes from SEO or content marketing experts will surely make your job application stand out.

Create an Engaging Portfolio

If you can, you should create an engaging portfolio to showcase your skills. This can be something as simple as a LinkedIn profile or as elaborate as a multimedia book or digital marketing tool. Whatever format you choose, make sure that it’s something that will hold the reader’s attention.

By creating an engaging portfolio, you can demonstrate your ability to think creatively and innovatively, and attract employers that share a similar passion for creating engaging content.

How to Include Social Media Writing Samples in Your Job Application

Include social media writing samples in your job application to showcase your prowess as a copywriter. To get started, find a relevant topic or industry, and then curate a small piece of content, whether that’s a blog post, web product review, or any other form of content.

Next, find a piece of content that’s already been published on a similar topic, and then use your curating tool of choice to swap out some of the words or phrases with your own.

For example, if you’re applying for a content role and you’ve written some fantastic articles for a lifestyle magazine, but you’re not sure how to present yourself as an effective content strategist, you can swap out the words “lifestyle magazine” with “New York Times”.

The goal is to make your content shine, and having a few well-written examples is a great way to do that. Further, you can also include a short bio about yourself, which can be used to contextualize your content.

Include Case Studies

Including case studies is another great way to standout in a job application. Case studies are situations in which you’ve demonstrated your ability to solve problems and achieve results. Therefore, it’s a great opportunity to show potential employers what you can do for them.

Take your Time

No one wants to waste time, and neither do I! One important thing to remember about your job application is that it’s important to take the time to do it right. Therefore, make sure that you’ve done your research, and that you’ve considered all the relevant factors, including your price range, when creating your application.

Further, take the time to craft a short but compelling bio about yourself, which will serve as an important selling point in your job application. To get started, try out this sample bio for content strategist applicants:

Bio: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam dui blandit, pretium facilisis molestie, gravida faucibus arcu, euismod sodales tortor, sed blandit lacus.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci lundi. Quisque ultrices tortor ut volutpat. Etiam porta semper nisi eu volutpat. Proin pharetra porttitor neque quis interdum. Aenean sit amet laqueo semper libero vitae luctus effet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Aliquam aliquam porta lectus et egestas. Sed interdum risus at nunc id facilisis. Viverra nibh euismod tempor nec posuere. Quisque euismod neque non sapien convallis blandit. Quisque volutpat lectus vel nisi interdum velit scelerisque pellentesque.

Vivamus auctor nisi in ultrices varius. Donec quis libero ut neque faucibus blandit. Phasellus turpis odio, gravida auctor nec sodales gravida. Pellentesque id aliquet enim. Aenean mattis vel turpis vitae commodo. Vivamus elementum semper nisl. Sed magna ipsum, vestibulum in, suscipit in.

Fusce id nibh euismod est porttitor. Etiam sapien nisi mattis rhoncus quis iaculis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci lundi. Etiam euismod nisi non dui convallis rhoncus. Donec vulputate euismod velit, id blandit turpis. Phasellus porta arcu non nulla non vulputate neque. Curabitur etiam sit amet nibh euismod tempor.

Nullam elit libero, consectetur adipiscing elit porta, sagittis in, sodales ut, pharetra sed, posuere quis, turpis. Cras in mi quis semper faucibus. Vivamus auctor nisi in ultrices varius. Etiam porta semper nisi eu volutpat. Fusce id nibh euismod est porttitor. Donec vulputate euismod velit, id blandit turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam porta semper nisi eu volutpat. Aenean sit amet laqueo semper libero vitae luctus effet.