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Home » How to Write a Letter to Someone Who Walked Off the Job

How to Write a Letter to Someone Who Walked Off the Job

You just landed a big break. The producer of your favorite TV show has contacted you about writing the show’s upcoming season. Your life is about to change forever. You’re going to be making a lot of money, meeting a lot of new people, and possibly even creating some amazing TV shows. But before the excitement sets in, there’s one thing you need to do – send the person who caught your eye and turned your life around a nice letter. In this blog post, we’ll teach you exactly how to write a letter that will make them feel extremely welcome and appreciated. Are you ready? Let’s get started.

The Proper Subject

Since you’re writing this letter to someone who just landed a job, it would be best to start by discussing the current state of their employment. You want to make sure you discuss the circumstances that led to their dismissal in good detail. The more you know the person, the easier it will be to write the perfect letter.

To start, you might want to mention how excited you are to have them join your team. Even if they’re just writing this letter to let you know they’re interested in your proposal, you can mention how honored you are that they’ve taken the time to consider you for the role. Be extra mindful of your language when discussing this sensitive topic: you don’t want to use words like ‘dismissed’ or ‘fired’, especially if you aren’t discussing the circumstances behind the words. The letter should reflect that you are a respectful person who has their best interests in mind – not that you’re trying to get back at someone or make a name for yourself. Remember: you’re writing this to welcome them into your fold, not to complain about their past behavior!

The Perfect Opening

Now that you’ve discussed the circumstances behind their job dismissal, you can move on to discuss the qualities you believe they possess that make them the perfect fit for the job. Start with a brief overview of the type of person you’re writing this letter for. What do you know about them? Have you ever interacted with them before?

The person you’re writing this letter to might be someone famous, or someone you’ve known for your whole life. They could be someone you met once at a party or at a relative’s house. It really doesn’t matter; as long as you know something about them, you can write the perfect letter.

You want your letter to start with a good, solid introduction. This is especially important if you’ve never written them a letter before. So, take a minute and think of something that will make them feel comfortable enough to open your letter and engage with your message. Maybe you’ve known them for a while and have a special connection to them, or you’ve just met them at a social gathering. It could be that you have a special recipe for ice cream that you make specifically for them, or that you’re a really good listener and they feel comfortable sharing their problems with you. Whatever it might be, you want to start your letter with something that will make them feel special. Once they’ve opened your letter, the rest will seem like common conversation to them. You don’t want to start off by saying, ‘Hey, remember me? I was the cute brunette who sang at your wedding back in 2003.’ Just say, ‘Hi, Mary Jane. Thanks for getting back to me. I’m just starting my graduate school and needed a recommendation letter. This is going to be great.’


At the end of your letter, you want to bring them back to where you started and reiterate how much you appreciate their time. You want to end the letter on a sincere note, so take a few moments and draft a thoughtful closing. If you’ve written a good, solid letter, they’ll be able to close the deal. And that, my friend, is what matters in life: getting to close deals and making things work out for the best. You want to end the letter on a high note, so don’t rush it. Take your time and draft an ending that will leave them feeling inspired and comfortable to join your team.

As you can see, writing a letter is pretty easy – especially if you’ve got someone in mind who you want to write the perfect letter to. With just a little bit of research, you’ll be able to write the perfect letter without fear of messing up. And, most important of all, you’ll be able to write a letter because you want to – not because you have to. Sometimes, the simple joys in life are all we need to get through it. Thanks for reading! We hope this has helped you in your quest for perfection – just remember: the person you’re writing this letter to doesn’t have to be perfect to receive it. But you do need to be perfect to send it! Happy letter writing.