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How to Give a Good Writing Sample for Online Job Applications

The world of work is changing, and so is My work ethic. As I step into my 30s, I’ve started to see things from a different perspective and have realized that working hard does not always equal good productivity. In fact, sometimes it can be counterproductive. So as I’ve been applying for jobs online, I’ve had to adapt my approach to suit the new environment. This post will teach you how to give a good writing sample for online job applications so that you can get the results you want without having to stress about the way you write.

Set The Standard High

When it comes to online job applications, nothing will get you rejected faster than a low-quality writing sample. If you want to stand a chance of getting a call back, you need to set the standard really high and make sure that your application documents exceed all the minimum requirements – both in quality and quantity. Before you send off your application, make sure that everything is perfect and that you have the minimum components required for a successful application.

To ensure that you meet the minimum requirements, you can use several services that are designed to scan and grade your writing. The number of errors and the consistency of your language will determine whether or not you get an email notification promising you a call back after your application is reviewed.

As for the quality of your writing, avoid using short sentences and overly complex language that is difficult to understand. In addition, make sure that your spelling and grammar are impeccable and that you use the appropriate style for the job you’re applying for. While some applicants will appreciate an alternative point of view, others might not appreciate a mistake-riddled paper that makes them struggle to understand your logic – or the logic of the position you’re applying for.

Know What To Include

Depending on the job you’re applying for, you might be asked to include certain documents or to attach a specific file containing sample work. Take time to understand what exactly is required for the job you’re applying for and include everything that is listed – even if it’s not directly related to your subject matter expertise. This will demonstrate to the employer that you’ve given the task sufficient thought and that you’re able to synthesize new information as needed. The more you know, the better.

For example, if you’re applying for a job as a financial analyst and your task is to provide previous relevant work experience, you might be asked to include your resume. However, if you’re applying for a sales position and your task is to provide a sample chapter from a book you’ve written, you would need to include the completed manuscript along with a detailed synopsis. Make sure that you know what exactly is required for the position you’re applying for and make sure that you submit what is requested without any errors.

Be Brave

When applying for jobs online, there is no guarantee that you’ll get a reply, let alone a call back. In fact, with the volume of applications that are submitted daily, your chances of getting rejected are high. This is why you need to take a chance and be brave enough to apply for positions that you’re not naturally suited for. Instead of applying for jobs that you think you can get, go for jobs that you think that you can’t – or shouldn’t.

Even if you’re not selected for a call back, having applied for a position that is out of your comfort zone will allow you to stretch your skills and grow as a person. Sometimes all it takes is a little push from outside to grow and evolve as a person and as a professional.

Create A Good First Impression

Whether or not you get an interview will depend on many factors – some of which you have complete control over and some that are beyond your control. One of the first things that an employer will judge you on is your application letter. That is, the first impression that you make regarding your writing skills.

To create a good first impression, write a letter of recommendation from someone who knows you well. Ideally, this person should also have access to your professional profile and the contact details for your references. In addition, make sure that your letter is handwritten on quality paper and that you address the letter to a specific individual. This will make you seem more personal and put the employer in touch with your references. Finally, proofread your letter multiple times before you send it off. Poor spelling, grammar, and punctuation will hinder your application’s effectiveness and make you look unprofessional.

Avoid Plagiarism

If you are using text-based platforms such as email to communicate with potential employers, make sure that the contents of your message are your own and that you do not copy and paste from other sources. Plagiarism is considered to be some of the worst crimes of academic dishonesty and will receive you an automatic rejection from most employers – no matter what your skill set.

Even in the case of an informal email, you’re better off being direct and to the point rather than trying to impress with clever wording and flowery phrases. In other words, write what you want to say and do not say anything that you would not want an employer to find out about. Above all, make sure that you are familiar with the publication guidelines of the organization you’re applying with.

Use The Right Websites

With the volume of applications that are submitted online, it’s easy for job seekers to get distracted by all the shiny objects lurking on a screen. Make sure that you do not spend too much time on social media or web browsing when you’re trying to focus on your job search. Instead, use dedicated job search engines that can help you find the positions that suit you best. In addition, make sure that the jobs listed on your search engine are from reputable organizations and that you use a valid email address when applying for positions online.

Taking the time to develop new skills and to continually evolve as a professional is both challenging and rewarding. As for the latter, make sure that you continue taking the time to develop yourself even when you land a job – to prove to yourself and your employer that you’re a lifelong learner who never stops learning.