Creative writing is all the rage these days. What was once considered “merely” a form of literature has developed into a mode of self-expression that many consider to be just as valid as, if not more valid than, what we normally consider “non-fiction” writing.
In a nutshell, creative writing is the use of literature as a vehicle for one’s creativity. It often involves taking a topic or theme and using literature to explore it from a new perspective. A good example of this would be Philip Roth’s 1989 book, “The Human Stain,” which was made into a movie in 2003.
If you’re looking to get into creative writing, here’s a beginner’s guide to get you started.
Decide On The Theme Or Topic For Your Work
This is of paramount importance. Choosing a topic is a great way to get started since it makes it easier to find literature associated with your subject matter. It also helps you keep your work focused and prevents you from veering off into side issues that might not be relevant to your topic at all.
A good topic for your first creative writing project is “The Self-Destruction of Creative Writing.” You can get started by simply Googling the topic or, if you’re looking for a specific piece of software, you can use a site like Gale to search for literature. Using “The Self-Destruction of Creative Writing” as the search term, here’s what you’ll get back:
The Destruction Of Creative Writing
If this is the first time you’ve ever considered writing something creative, it might be a good idea to read the piece from the point of view of a seasoned pro. In fact, you might want to start with Joan Didion’s 1974 book, “Play It Again Sam,” which is a collection of short stories that explore the creative writing process.
One of the things that makes this book so valuable is that it’s completely uncensored. In a time when women were considered secondary to men in most aspects of society, Didion breaks the mold and provides an intriguing glimpse into how women see themselves in relation to men. The book explores gender roles and how people interact with each other in modern day society through a prism of the creative process. In one of the stories, a young woman is having trouble getting her work published and addresses the issue with the following words:
“I don’t really care about being a great writer. I just want to be able to put down on paper what’s inside my head. To express myself without fear or worry.”
In another story, two childhood friends meet at a literary salon where they discuss their passion for writing. One expresses concern that they might not be capable of putting their thoughts into words while the other reassures them that this is something they’re surely capable of:
“I think you have something to say, otherwise you wouldn’t be there. I’m sure of it. You’re better at putting things into words than you think you are. I don’t know how, but I’m sure of it.”
Whether you end up choosing “The Self-Destruction of Creative Writing” as your topic or not, this book is a definitive guide to breaking the writing block.
Start A Blog
Blogs aren’t just for fun these days. They’re extremely valuable as a tool for marketing and getting your work out there for the world to see. One of the best things you can do for your creative writing is to start a blog. This could be anything from a food blog to a travel blog or even a movie blog. The possibilities are endless. You can find a free blogging platform like WordPress at You can sign up for a free account using this link: Once you have your blog set up, you can use it to write and publish your work, as well as use it as a platform to engage with your audience.
Get A Notebook
A good rule of thumb when writing is to always jot down your ideas. It doesn’t have to be perfect, as long as you have something to help you move forward. If you ever read a piece where the author didn’t write anything down, it usually ends up being one of two things: 1) A masterpiece or 2) A piece that doesn’t even seem like it was written by the same person. If you want to be a good writer, it’s important to get into the habit of writing down your ideas. You can start by getting a notebook and a pen, or simply using your phone’s note-taking app.
Join A Literary Society
Even if you don’t intend on publishing your work, participating in events and getting involved in literary societies is a great way to improve your writing. Being a part of a community of writers can help you get inspired, introduce you to new ideas and techniques, and help you find an audience for your work. It’s important to keep in mind that these are just suggestions and not rules. You should feel free to participate in the events and societies that suit you, as long as you’re contributing something useful.
If you’re interested, consider joining a literary society or club. Many of these exist just for writers, so you can get a free membership and start contributing to the community. You can also look for groups or forums of writers online to get inspiration and connect with other creatives. For example, Goodreads is a social networking site where readers and authors can connect and get inspiration from one another. There are many forums and groups where you can get your work critiqued, get inspiration for your next novel, or just connect with other writers.
Find Your Niche
If you’re looking to get started in creative writing, it might be a good idea to find your niche. What exactly does that mean? When you find your niche, you’ll be able to identify a specific audience for your work. For example, if you’re a romance novelist, you might target women as your niche audience. The more you can narrow your audience the better. This will help you tailor your work to be more effective and valuable to your specific audience. If your original idea is to write about the decline of the Spanish empire, you might want to consider broadening your topic to take in more general historical events.
Find Your Voice
This is probably the most important piece of advice for anyone looking to get into creative writing. Your voice is your writing style, the way you choose to express yourself through your words. It can be a very powerful tool, or a tool that holds you back. It’s extremely important to find your voice, the way it is, and the way you want it to be. The sooner you start looking for your voice, the sooner you’ll be able to find it, and the stronger it will be. Try as many kinds of writing as you can. Short stories, novels, and even screenplays. The more you put yourself through, the more you’ll be able to find your voice and determine what works best for you.
Get A Critique Partner
Even if you’re not looking to get started on a novel, it’s a good idea to get a critique partner. Having someone to review your work with and bounce ideas off of is extremely valuable. It can also help you determine whether or not you’re actually capable of being a good writer. If you are, finding the right partner will help you bring your best self out.
If you’re looking for a critique partner, consider finding someone with a similar background to your own. This will help you bounce ideas off of one another and determine which ones are best. Having a background in English, History, or Literature can also be extremely valuable, especially if you want to get into literary criticism. If nothing else works for you, you can always find a partner in crime and just go on a stabbing spree!
Join A Society Of Writers
There are many different societies of writers. These are groups of writers who get together to discuss various aspects of the writing process and promote each other’s work. Many of these societies have regular meetings, where members can get together to discuss the latest trends in fiction, or just to get some writer’s block solved. If you’re looking for a way to get your work out there, these are some great places to find an audience and get your work critiqued.