Have you ever woken up in the morning, turned on your television, and seen a show that you absolutely loved but had no idea what was going on in it? Well, that’s usually how it is when you’re applying for jobs. You’ll look at a role, think “ooh, that’s interesting,” fill out an application, and then two weeks later you’ll get a call from the person you emailed about the role. In the middle of the day, while commuting, on your breaks, or at night, while unwinding from a stressful day, you’ll pick up your tablet or smartphone and scroll through the news article to see what’s going on with the latest Netflix show – and if it’s one you enjoyed, you may find yourself wondering, “hmm, maybe I should apply for that job after all.” If that sounds like you, then this article is for you.
Take Your Time
It’s important to take your time to figure out what you want. While you can apply for jobs with little to no experience, it’s important to remember that you’ll never get to the top of the stack if you don’t take the time to find the right role for you. Sometimes it takes a while to find that perfect job, but that’s what makes it so worth it. You may find that you are not suited for the job you initially applied for, but by taking the time to find a better fit you will be able to enjoy your job. Remember: you’re unique, so don’t compare yourself to other people – you’ll never be able to fit into someone else’s shoes. This is an important rule to live by because whenever you do compare yourself to others, especially when it comes to your job, you’ll be driven by what you think they can do instead of what you can do. Remember: you are confident, intelligent, and creative, and there is a job that perfectly matches you.
Get A Degree
If you’re looking for a career in writing or storytelling, then it’s worth considering getting a degree in either journalism, communications, or creative writing. Depending on which degrees you get, you’ll be able to find jobs with higher wages and fewer stipulations. Even if you don’t end up going that route, getting a degree in writing will definitely increase your chances of getting a job in a creative field, and maybe even give you the skills you need to succeed. Regardless of which degree you choose, being able to tell stories through text is an essential skill for all writers. Even if you end up going into sales, your ability to concisely write product descriptions will be beneficial.
Get A Mentor
If you’re looking to get into writing, you might consider getting a mentor. A mentor can be someone who has already been where you’re going, or someone who is going where you are. The goal is for the mentor to guide and teach you the ropes of being a professional writer. It can be a tremendous help if you’re looking for guidance on what to write, how to write it, and most importantly, how to get it published. They can also help point you in the right direction if you need to change careers or need inspiration for your next piece.
Join A Society
If you’re looking for a creative outlet, then consider joining a creative writing society. These organizations are usually found in larger cities, but they often have members spread across the globe. They may hold annual competitions where you can win cash, publishing credits, or just accolades for your work. Many times, you don’t need to be a member to participate in the events or read the submissions, but you do need to be a part of the organization in order to win the cash or prizes. Just make sure that whatever group you join respects the creative freedom that comes with being a member.
Don’t Forget To Package
Even if you have all the pieces in place and you’ve managed to get a job writing descriptions for a streaming service, don’t forget to package and sell yourself. Many times, these jobs don’t come with a lot of requirements, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t put in the extra effort to make sure you stand out. After all, when you do finally land that perfect job, you’ll be glad you went the extra mile. In order to stand out, you may want to consider creating a demo reel, pitching it to various companies to see which ones are interested. In the meantime, you can also consider looking into incorporating a few marketing tools, such as a blog, into your resume. Having a visible online presence is important because it shows that you’re actively looking for a job, and it also demonstrates your value as a candidate.
There is no single recipe for finding the perfect job, but taking the time to find a good fit is essential to making sure that you’re happy and that your life is progressing in the right direction. If you’re looking for advice on what to write, how to write it, and most importantly, how to get it published then I recommend that you get ahold of a mentor, get a degree, join a society, and don’t forget to package and sell yourself. Good luck!