It is no secret that the world of online writing is expanding. Once considered the domain of journalists and bloggers, you can now find online writers in virtually every industry. If you’re looking to get started with online writing or looking for some tips on how to make your writing stand out, then this guide is for you.
Choose A Niche
When deciding where to focus your efforts as an online writer, it is important to pick a niche market that you will enjoy researching and writing about. The key is to find a market that you can build on; one that is relevant and has vast potential for growth. When you choose a niche market, you are choosing a topic that you know will always be in demand. Building a reputation as an authority in a particular niche will be incredibly valuable in your efforts to build a writing career. If you enjoy helping people and contributing to a greater understanding of business, then consider a small business blog. Or if you are passionate about technology, consider starting a blog about mobile apps or websites.
Get A Pen Or A Tablet
Unless you are fortunate enough to have an editor handy, having a keyboard is not going to cut it when putting words to paper. If you are serious about becoming a professional writer, then you are going to have to invest in either a Wacom tablet or a brand new Apple keyboard. A Wacom tablet allows you to quickly jot down notes while researching, eliminating the need to continually type out text on your phone’s tiny keyboard. When you are on the move, a Wacom tablet’s small size makes it easily portable. So you can take it with you to cafes and libraries to conduct research, or even bring it to bed with you on the iPad. A brand new Apple keyboard is completely worth it. Not only do they make typing easy, they also come with an excellent stand that allows you to prop your iPad up for easy viewing and typing.
Set Up A Blog
To start your career as a writer, you must have a place where your work can be published. Whether you are an experienced journalist who has been writing for a regional paper or a student who has just finished writing a book, you need an outlet where your work can be seen by readers. Having a blog is a great place to do this. By creating a blog, you are essentially creating a virtual news room where you can publish articles and develop your expertise in your chosen field. The great thing about blogs, aside from being a great place to publish your work, is that they are incredibly easy to set up. Most blogging platforms, such as WordPress, offer simple, drag and drop tools that allow you to build your site quickly and easily.
Start A Blog
Once you have a blog set up, the next step is to start posting regularly. Ideally, you should post at least two to three times a week, possibly more if you can. Once you establish a small audience on your blog, you can consider yourself a journalist, and begin applying for formal press credentials. A reliable source has estimated that there are more than 300 accredited journalists in the world. So if you can get your blog to a steady stream of more than 500 unique monthly visitors, you have a realistic chance of achieving professional status as a journalist.
Find Your Voice
If you have a specific voice for writing, you must find the right way to use it. To be able to write effectively, you must first be able to express yourself clearly. This is where having a specific writing style comes in. However, while everyone’s voice and diction are different, there are some commonalities that make all writing clear and concise. When you find your voice as a writer, you will know exactly what you are talking about, and your readers will be able to understand you easily. Once you find that voice, it is important to use it consistently. Never, ever write in a way that someone other than yourself would not understand. This will cause confusion and ultimately hurt your credibility as a writer.
Get A Name For Your Blog
When you choose a specific niche, you are also choosing a name for your blog. And no, we are not going to suggest you call it BloggingTips. Find a name that is short and to the point, and easy to remember. If you are using WordPress, you can use the functions built into the platform to help you find a name that is both memorable and unique. Through WordPress’s built-in suggestions, you can come up with dozens of potential blog names that are guaranteed to grab the attention of your readers.
Set Up An Email List
Blogs aren’t the only place you can publish your work these days. If you are a business person, you can choose to write a business blog or pitch a guest blog post for a major website. If you decide to go this route, you can use email marketing to grow your audience quickly. By setting up an email list to send out regular newsletters, you can engage with your audience and keep them up to date with your latest news and information. Consider using this method to get in touch with potential customers, investors, or partners who may be interested in your niche.
Grow Audience Via Blogging
We mentioned earlier that having a blog can be a great way to establish yourself as a professional writer. But did you know that you can use your blog to grow your audience and gain credibility rapidly? One of the great things about having a blog is that it gives you the opportunity to experiment with different content types and see what works and what doesn’t. If you decide that a particular content type doesn’t work for your blog, you can always change it up and try something new. The more you post, the more people will come back for more. Your blog will become more established and gain credibility with each new post you make. It is a win-win situation.
As you can see, creating a blog can be a simple and straightforward process. If you already have a laptop or desktop computer, you can use online tools to create a blog in no time at all. Plus, you can use the free WiFi at cafes and libraries to get the work done. With so much potential for writers to make money online, more and more people are looking to create a career for themselves. So if you are passionate about writing, why not give it a try? Good luck out there.