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How to Get Paid Copywriting Freelance Work

Getting paid copywriting work as a freelancer isn’t difficult. All you need is a laptop, a reliable internet connection, and some talent. Let’s examine how to become a copywriter freelancer.

Find Your Niche

The first step in earning income as a copywriter is to identify a niche. This is important because it will determine the kind of content you produce and the kinds of clients you work with. If you’re looking to break into copywriting, you will probably be best served by specializing in content creation for the fashion industry. Alternatively, if you’re a proven wordsmith and possess a special creative flair, you might consider venturing into the world of advertising. However, before you rush into taking on any projects, make sure there is sufficient demand for your services in your chosen niche. You can conduct a quick internet search to discover if there are any specific phrases or words that might be useful to your targeted audience. Once you discover these words and phrases, you will be able to produce top-notch content for any company that might be interested in hiring you.

Develop A Reputation

If you’ve been operating under the misconception that only established writers can earn a living wage from their writing, then you’re in for a rude awakening. With the rise of digital nomads and the freelance economy, anyone with a laptop, a WiFi connection, and a passion for writing can now potentially earn a living from their endeavours. To get started, it is essential to gain credibility with potential clients. To achieve this, you must produce content that is both original and high-quality. The best way to establish yourself as an expert in your chosen niche is to consistently publish valuable content online. There are three basic guidelines you must adhere to if you want to develop a reputation as a reliable writer:

  • Be original. Avoid using clichés and canned phrases. Clichés and overly used phrases signal to the reader that you either don’t have enough original material or that you’re trying to shortcut your way to creating content. Both turn off potential clients.
  • Maintain a high quality of writing. Even if you’re just starting out, you can still achieve a high degree of quality simply by being consistent and careful with your work.
  • Consult with experts. In your chosen niche, you will inevitably come across authorities and experts who can help you improve your work and establish yourself as a reliable source of information.

Find Work

Once you have a reputation as a high-quality and original writer in your niche, you can start to look for work. A good place to find freelance writing gigs is through Craigslist. At first, you might want to try out a few different sites before landing on one that feels comfortable to you. Once you have found a suitable listing, be sure to communicate with the writer directly to get a feel for their working style. Remember, you’re paying for their time so don’t expect to get quality work if you’re not comfortable handing over the payment.

Incorporate What You’ve Learned

If you’ve been doing the job for a while and have acquired some experience, you can start to incorporate what you’ve learned into your copywriting. For instance, if you’ve been writing a lot about the fashion industry, you might want to start using words and phrases associated with fashion. By doing this, you not only become a more valuable asset to the company that hires you, but you also introduce your work with a fashionable spin that might appeal to certain clients. This is not something you can necessarily accomplish by following a step-by-step guide, but instead requires you to use your judgement and come up with ideas on your own. As a copywriter, you won’t always be creating articles that will become instant classics. Instead, you will be tasked with creating content that is both original and of high quality. This might require a bit of experimentation, but with enough time and effort, even an average piece of content can become valuable.

Once you’ve mastered the art of getting paid copywriting work, you can start considering extra ways to monetize your talents. Aside from using your skills to write for other businesses, you can establish yourself as a freelancer and begin charging clients for your time. There are several different freelancing websites where you can find a large number of potential clients, all looking for high-quality content at affordable rates.