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How to Get a Copywriting Job

I had been writing for publications for many years, but I always considered my work to be a hobby and something to fall back on if I needed to. Sure, I’d written some fun essays for my friends and family, but I never saw myself as a full-time writer. That is, until one day when I was scrolling through Twitter and came across an advertisement for a copywriter job opening in London. I thought, “Why not me?” and soon found myself applying for the position.

The only problem was that I’d never considered myself a trained copywriter. Sure, I’d picked up some tricks of the trade through trial and error, but I’d never actually been schooled in the craft. I’d always just seen it as something that came natural to me. Needless to say, I didn’t get the job. After I’d been rejected from that position, I decided to seek out more opportunities in the field and soon found myself getting job interviews and offers from all over the world. Today, I’m going to tell you exactly what I did to get my copywriting job and how you can do the same.

Understand The Difference Between Editorial And Creative Writing

One of the first things your potential employer will ask you is, “Can you write both fiction and non-fiction?” If you’re thinking that you can’t or you haven’t tried, then you should probably answer no. Truth be told, you don’t really need to know how to write both to get a job as a copywriter. What you need to know is how to write effective copy for different kinds of content. For example, you might be asked to write a piece for online fashion magazine or editorial piece for a national newspaper. In each instance, you will need to approach it as a journalist, sticking to facts and figures wherever possible, and using authoritative language.

However, you might be asked to create something fictional for a client, such as a business plan or an application for a credit card. In this case, you will need to familiarize yourself with common terms used in the world of literary fiction, including but not limited to:

  • character development
  • plot
  • research papers
  • publishers and literary agents
  • grammar
  • thesaurus
  • hyphenating words

Being able to write effectively for different kinds of content will not only get you far in the field, but it will also help you to understand what your potential employers are looking for.

Find Your Passion

If you’ve ever thought that you could apply your talents to writing and haven’t yet found the right fit, then you might want to consider copywriting instead. It’s a field that can allow you to do what you love while also putting your skills to use. For example, if you’re a fan of language and enjoy playing with words, then you could find a job creating slogans and engaging with brands on social media. The only issue is that most companies require you to be a full-time employee to be eligible for a pension scheme, so you’ll need to make sure that this is something that you can commit to. It’s a common misconception that you have to be a professional writer to be able to get a job in copywriting. All you need is a good imagination and the drive to succeed.

Dress The Part

To get a job in copywriting, you will need to be able to convince the person reading your resume or interviewing you that you are capable of doing the job. To do this, it is essential that you dress the part. This means choosing your clothes wisely and making sure that your resume, cover letter, and interview outfit all match. Your resume will need to be easily readable on a small screen, so pay close attention to how you write it and choose your font size and colour wisely. Similarly, the cover letter needs to be concise yet informative and, for the best results, you should write it before you leave home. While in transit, you should also be sure to proofread it several times to ensure that your spelling and grammar are up to date.

Keep Your Resume Up To Date

It is essential that you keep your resume up to date and, if you’re looking for a new job, then you should be looking into gaining more skills and experience. This will not only make you less susceptible to redundancy but it will also increase your chances of getting a new job. One easy way to do this is by updating your resume with every new skill or piece of experience that you acquire. If you are looking for a new job, then why not consider pursuing a professional qualification that will stand you in good stead for the future. A lot of employers are looking for candidates with a university degree, so if you’re planning on applying for any higher-level positions, then you should consider getting a qualification that will increase your chances of being hired.

Follow The Proper Steps

Once you’ve gotten an interview, then the onus is on you to prove to the employer that you are indeed the best for the job. To do this, you need to follow a set procedure and be able to quote relevant numbers and facts. If you’re fortunate enough to get to the point where you’re being interviewed by a member of the senior management team, then this is the perfect opportunity to show off your skills and experience. However, you should still approach the process in a professional manner. If you do not present yourself well, then this could lead to you being unceremoniously dismissed.

So, to get a copywriting job, all you need is a good imagination, the ability to write well, and the willingness to succeed.