If you’re looking into a career in copywriting but haven’t quite landed on what kind of work environs you’ll enjoy most, consider this your guide to becoming a freelance copywriter.
The Evolving Copywriting Career
It’s fair to say that the job description of a “traditional” copywriter has changed a lot over the years. While the role itself hasn’t, the responsibilities have evolved to encompass more than just writing compelling copy for advertising campaigns.
According to HubSpot Blogs research, 40% of copywriters say they’re responsible for the content and marketing strategy of their assigned campaigns. But the role of a copywriter has also broadened to encompass content creation for web pages, e-books, and other online platforms. As a result, the typical day for a freelance copywriter may include tasks like editing blog posts, pitching and creating content for digital marketing campaigns, crafting marketing plans, and monitoring the performance of online ads.
Get The Basics Down
If you’re just getting started, it’s important to have a good working knowledge of copywriting fundamentals. That way, you’ll land your first gig as a freelancer and continue developing your skills as a copywriter confidently. While it’s not essential to know the ins and outs of every copywriting program or tool, being able to identify strong assets and weaknesses within your own writing will help you determine what you need to learn and can help you improve your work quickly.
To get started, take the time to read and understand the following:
The Elements Of A Winning Pitches
If you’re looking to become a freelance copywriter, you’ll undoubtedly come across numerous opportunities. However, not all of these gigs will be a good fit for you. After all, you need to match your skills to the task at hand. Luckily, we’ve got your back. Below, you’ll find a list of the elements you need to consider before accepting a writing assignment.
Whether you’re pitching to a brand or business to take on their advertising or marketing material, you need to know how to pitch a winning story. A good story gets the reader interested in the brand or product and encourages them to take action. To create a winning pitch, follow these elements:
1. Hook
In the world of advertising, a hook is a line or phrase that instantly draws the attention of the reader and makes them want more. For example, “Look inside this bag and you’ll see what all the buzz is about.”
The idea is to get the person reading your pitch to jump right in and start exploring the product or service you’re promoting. In a nutshell, a hook is designed to make your audience curious about what you have to say.
2. Outline The Reason Why The Audience Should Care
Once they’re interested in your topic, you can gently coax them into caring about it by explaining the reason behind the importance of the subject. For example, “Shampoo bottles are a nightmare to keep track of. It’s easy for them to be knocked off the shower counter and cause significant damage to your hair.”
This type of introduction serves as an explanation of why the person reading your pitch should care about the topic you’re discussing. It can also help you choose the right worded to use when promoting the product or service. In the example above, you can tell the reader why shampoo bottles are problematic by saying, “Many shampoo bottles are a nightmare to keep track of. It’s easy for them to be knocked off the shower counter and cause significant damage to your hair.”
3. Summary
A summary is a brief retelling of the main points of your pitch. It should be no more than two or three sentences, and it should help the person reading it understand your main idea quickly. In the example above, we would write:
“Shampoo bottles are a nightmare to keep track of. It’s easy for them to be knocked off the shower counter and cause significant damage to your hair. Prevent this from happening by using this handy dandy shampoo dispenser.”
This summary helps the reader get a strong grasp of the essential points of your pitch while also keeping the attention of the reader. Furthermore, the brevity of the summary forces you to be concise and to the point without any unnecessary fluff.
4. Action
This element serves as the imperative to the narrative; it suggests what the reader should do. In some instances, it’s a call to action; in others, it’s an invitation to explore further. In the example above, you can tell the reader what they should do by saying, “If you want to keep your hair healthy, use this handy dandy shampoo dispenser.”
An action can be as simple as pressing a button or using a link to visit a particular website. In complex cases, it may involve doing some research, making a purchase, or taking some kind of positive step towards a goal. You should include sufficient details about the action to make it easy for the reader to understand what you’re asking of them.
5. Who This Product/Service Is For
A product or service is a piece of merchandise or a service that you’re offering to help solve a problem. If you’re pitching to a business, you need to let them know who your intended audience is. Consider this a form of advertising and part of your media budget. You want to choose words that will make the recipient feel that your product or service is just what they’re looking for. Also, you need to focus on describing something that the brand/company doesn’t offer themselves.
If you can identify a gap in the market, you have the perfect opportunity to pitch a product that will make a huge difference to their company. But first, you need to narrow your focus to a specific niche. Before you begin pitching, think of a niche that you can target and begin building a portfolio of relevant work.
How To Market An Product/Service
If you want to market an existing product or service, you have the chance to create compelling advertising that will draw interest. Below, you’ll find a list of the various methods you can use to market your product or service.
Traditional Advertisements
If you want to advertise your product or service in traditional print or broadcast media, there are plenty of companies and individuals that can help. You can find a reputable ad agency that can create ads that will resonate with the right audience. You’ll want to choose a large media company that can reach the majority of the population in your target niche. If you have a limited budget, consider optinging for a small-to-medium sized media company that can offer you creative freedom while also adhering to your budget restrictions.
If you have an existing brand or business name, you can take advantage of this fact and use it to your advantage in your marketing efforts. One way to do this is to utilize celebrities in your campaigns. If you can afford it, pay close attention to the campaigns of well-known celebrities. You can find countless examples of their successful ad campaigns on social media sites like Twitter and Instagram. As a result, their exposure is widespread and can significantly boost your campaigns if used correctly.
If this is your first time marketing a product, consider using successful bloggers as the face of your campaign. By using celebrities or well-known bloggers, you can ensure that your product is supported by a reputable brand while also engaging with an audience that can help you gain credibility.
Digital Marketing
Did you know that 65% of American adults use digital media to learn about events and activities happening around them? Furthermore, did you know that people in the US spend over 4 hours per day using digital devices? If you want to market a product or service in today’s world, consider opting for digital marketing.
This type of marketing utilises various methods and tactics, mainly online ads on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
The idea is to choose a few social media platforms to focus on, identify relevant demographics on these platforms, and then craft ads that will appeal to them. If you can choose your platforms wisely, you can significantly expand your audience. But be careful not to choose unpopular platforms. If your target audience doesn’t use these platforms, you’re wasting your time and energy trying to reach them.