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How to Get Email Copywriting Clients?

I get it. You want to be an email copywriter, and you want to know how to get clients. Believe it or not, I was once in your boat. I wanted to be a published author, and I knew that to make it happen, I needed to become an email copywriter.

So I worked my ass off learning email copywriting, and eventually landed my first gig. I mean big-time. A literary agent called me on the phone, he sounded super-excited, and he wanted to represent me. He asked me to write a brief letter to his secretary, outlining my qualifications and experience. I spent about 10 minutes writing the letter, and he rang me back within the hour, saying that he’d love to represent me, but he’d need something more than a letter of introduction.

He wanted to see my samples. So I sent him a few pitch letters, which he promptly rejected. Luckily, I had samples stored on my computer, and I remembered to bring them with me when I met with him. He looked at my samples, and then he saw the versatility of my style, and he decided to take me on. That was two years ago, and I’ve been working with that agent ever since. I help new authors get their work noticed, and I also guide aspiring copywriters in their quest for clients.

The Agent’s Dilemma

Let’s get one thing straight right here. The agent’s dilemma is common. An agent wants to sign a new author, but he needs an author with a proven track record. What does that mean? It means he’s got to pitch the book to publishers, and in order to do that, he needs sample chapters or a complete manuscript. Believe it or not, getting a publishing deal is a long, arduous process, and it usually takes several tries. In addition, after the book is published, the author then needs to find an agent who can sell that book.

I know what you’re thinking. You want to become the next big thing in romance, right? You want to write a sexy book, and you want to be able to sell it simply because you can? Believe it or not, I’ve been there. I wanted to be a best-selling author, too, and I knew that to make it happen, I needed to specialize in erotica or romance. I opted for the latter, and ever since then, I’ve been trying to build my client base in those categories. That’s mostly what I do, but it’s a constantly shifting field, and I regularly have to tackle new genres.

The Advantage For Emerging Writers

Emerging writers who decide to pursue fiction rather than non-fiction have the advantage of being able to specialize in the genres that interest them. In addition, they have two advantages that my fellow non-fiction writers do not have: first, the ability to create a persona, an author photo that will help them in their quest for publication, and second, they have the ability to experiment with different perspectives and point of views.

What do I mean by that? I mean that a non-fiction writer, unless he’s willing to experiment with different voices and formats, is going to be pigeonholed as a non-fiction writer. Even though many of my clients are traditionally published non-fiction writers, I’ve also taken on fiction projects, and I always tell my clients that they’re free to experiment as much as they like. My advice is, don’t be afraid to try new things. Take a risk. If it doesn’t work, at least you can fall back on your expertise. That’s often the hardest thing for an emerging writer to do. When you’re starting out, it can be difficult to establish credibility. One thing leads to another, and before you know it, you’re playing catch-up for years, instead of just jumping in and enjoying the process.

Take Advantage Of Online Markets

I believe that emerging writers who decide to go the traditional publishing route can take advantage of the digital markets, particularly the big-name, general interest online marketplaces, such as Amazon and Goodreads. These marketplaces allow for self-publishing, which means that authors can upload their books and connect with readers directly. The advantage of this is that you can allow for instant and free feedback from readers, and you can take advantage of the vast community of self-published authors, which amounts to millions of members worldwide.

In my opinion, if you do decide to go the self-publishing route, you should do so through a digital publisher versus going the traditional route and getting print on-sale dates in traditional bookstores.

Know Your Audience

In my opinion, if you want to write and sell romantic fiction or erotica, you should write for a female audience. Not only does having a female audience help in terms of sales, but it also helps in terms of establishing credibility. When a female reader buys your book, she’s more likely to believe that you know what you’re talking about, and she’s more likely to believe that your tastes match her own. It’s all about the match-making, as they say. Knowing your audience is crucial, because you can’t always assume that your tastes will match those of the people you’re writing for. Be honest, and as I’ve said before, be true to yourself, but also be mindful of what your audience wants and needs. It’s all about marketing and positioning. If you want to be a bestselling author, you’ve got to find your sweet spot and hit it squarely.

Get A PR Agency On Board

Finally, I’d like to suggest that if you’re looking to get publicity for your book, especially if you’re looking to get traditional media attention, you should consider getting a public relations (PR) agency on board. PR agencies specialize in getting journalists, bloggers, and other influential figures to cover your story or event, and in getting your product or service featured on TV shows and in newspapers and magazines. Think of all the famous writers, directors, and other figures who didn’t become famous by writing books or making films, but instead, by being famous? Good public relations can help, even if your aim is to publish a conventional, non-fiction book. In my opinion, without proper PR, even the most conventional book can become a difficult niche to crack. Getting an experienced PR agency to work with you can help get your book noticed by the right people, and help push it into the limelight. The sky is the limit. It just depends on how much you want to pay them.

In summary, the route to becoming a bestselling author isn’t necessarily easy. However, with a little bit of luck and some determination, it’s definitely achievable. Just remember to be yourself, and don’t be afraid to try new things. Having a clear objective in mind is always a good idea, and as long as you’re aware of your audience, it should be relatively easy for you to find your perfect niche. Good luck out there.