I have my own secret weapon when it comes to getting freelance writing jobs. I don’t want to blow the lid off my little black book, but I will say that it takes a lot of the heavy lifting out of the process. If you’re looking for ways to get writing jobs fast, then you need to read this article. I’m going to lay out all the steps I took to become a successful copywriter. This strategy will help you make sure you keep all the jobs you land.
1. Find Your Niche
When I started out as a freelance copywriter, I had no idea what I was doing and didn’t have the faintest idea how to go about finding clients. Through a lot of trial and error, I found my niche and learned how to become effective in my new role. I specialize in content strategy, digital marketing, and SEO writing. I’m also highly versed in Adobe InDesign, so I can create and lay out amazing digital documents (like brochures and web banners) to prove it.
If you’ve been looking for a way to get into content marketing or SEO writing, then this niche is for you. And don’t worry, it’s not just about blogging for financial gain. Many companies only look at your online presence when hiring. However, there are many niches within these areas, so you can become an expert in video marketing or paid search marketing. Find your niche and specialize in that area. You’ll be able to become an expert in video marketing or paid search marketing without necessarily having to specialize in content strategy.
2. Craft A Killer Pitch
A pitch is your sales pitch. It’s what you say to a potential client to convince them to hire you. A killer pitch will get you way more jobs than a plain old pitch would. So, don’t rush it. Take your time, put your heart into it, and make sure it’s good.
When I first started out as a freelance copywriter, I had no idea what a pitch was. I would get a clue when I read a professional version of a college admission essay that was packed with relevant and interesting information. It explained the writer’s process and his approach, and it showcased his abilities. Most importantly, it showed that the writer had constructed a unique and compelling message around a certain topic.
This is exactly the kind of pitch I emphasize when I teach people how to write a killer pitch. The main points I want them to remember are:
- Curiosity– Ask questions and listen to the other side. Be proactive and inquisitive. This will help you understand the clients’ problems and objectives
- Concept – Make sure that you understand the general idea or concept that the client is trying to achieve. Ask for clarification if necessary
- The Big Idea – The most important thing to keep in mind is the overall theme or idea that you are supposed to develop. This is the unifying principle that will keep your writing cohesive and on point
- Characters – The other important thing to keep in mind when writing a pitch is the type of people you are going to be addressing. Your pitch should reflect the audience you are writing to and not just the type of content you want to create. Remember: you are speaking to a potential client, so be kind
- Action – The last thing you want to do is bore your reader. Keep your reader engaged by constantly putting them in the action. This means staying relevant, interesting, and lively. You can also use action hooks to keep the reader focused on what you’re writing. For example, you can write:
- It’s exactly what I needed/wanted
- This is the best response I’ve ever had
- I was skeptical at first, but now I see the light
- The problem was …
- Then …
- Until …
- And so on
- Voice – The first and most basic rule of good writing is to use the voice of the writer. You, as a writer, are the expert on the subject you write about. So, when you write a blog post, make sure that your voice comes through in your writing
- Action – The next step is to add action. Action hooks are basically just words, phrases, or clichés that you can use to structure your blog posts or ad copy. They can help you keep the reader focused on the matter at hand. For example, you can write:
- “So, what will you do differently?”
- “Here’s why …”
- “We need to shift to the next step of the plan …”
- “One of the major reasons why …”
- “The one thing you need to do is…”
- And so on
3. Create Compelling Copy
Once you’ve got a pitch that’s good, you can start to build compelling copy. Copy is what you say to a potential client. It’s the text that you include in your materials like an ad or blog post. Copy is very important, because it will serve as your quotable quote or landing page on the client’s end product. Make sure that your copy is interesting, relevant and well-written.
When I first started out as a freelance copywriter, I didn’t have a clear understanding of what compelling copy was or how to go about creating it. But through a lot of trial and error, I have now figured out exactly what compelling copy is and how to go about creating it. Here are the steps I follow:
4. Customize For The Web
Once you’ve got your copy perfect, it’s time to customize your work for the web. The key to becoming a successful copywriter is learning how to optimize your work for the web. Web optimization is just a matter of taking your work and making it accessible to clients through a viewer’s browser. It’s really about structuring your content in a way that readers can easily understand and engage with.