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How to Get Clients for Copywriting?

So, you want to become a copywriter? Awesome! We’re in the same boat — or, rather, bathtub — but it’s a different matter when it comes to making money at it. In case you’re wondering, a copywriter is someone who creates content (mostly for websites) to help businesses generate more leads, sales, and profits.

What’s the most difficult part of becoming a copywriter? Finding clients, of course! Without customers, you can’t make money, so how do you get clients? We’ll tell you — and it’s the same answer for both questions.

The Anatomy of a Cold Email Campaign

Most copywriting clients come through word of mouth or by chance, so you won’t have any luck with a cold email campaign. Chances are, you won’t even see a reply. The anatomy of a cold email campaign is complex, but it goes something like this:

You’ll want to establish a connection with the reader by telling a story or posing a question. For example, you could say:

“I saw your blog post on [insert blog topic here] and thought of you because of your expertise in this area.”

This is called the “cold pitch” because you’re not directly promoting a product (like a cold medicine) to the reader. Instead, you’re drawing them into your ​blog post by posing a question or a challenge.

You can also use your story to establish yourself as an expert in the field. If someone is searching for the answer to your question, you’ll already have a direct connection with them and the opportunity to pitch your services. In this case, the ​”pitch” is a little warm.

Keep your email short and snappy. Your prospects’ attention spans are notoriously short, and you don’t want to lose them in a sea of emails.

The Benefits of a Blog

Blogs don’t just appear out of nowhere; they’re carefully curated platforms that, when done right, can significantly improve your copywriting results. The fact that a blog appears to be “just a blog” is actually a massive disadvantage when it comes to attracting and retaining customers; we’re always overloaded with content, and it can be difficult to determine what’s worth our time and what isn’t. That’s why a blog’s popularity has waned in recent years: people don’t have the time to maintain them like they used to.

A blog gives you a chance to really flesh out your expertise and share it with the world. Better yet, it gives you the opportunity to test and grow your expertise over time. In most cases, a blog will also attract potential clients who are looking for expert advice in a particular area.

If you’re new to the world of blogging, take some time to really understand the mechanics behind it. There are tons of free platforms like WordPress that can be easily navigated by anyone. Don’t be scared to explore the various benefits that a blog can bring.

Social Media

Similar to a blog, social media also offers you a chance to connect with potential clients and show off your expertise. However, instead of just relying on content to draw in customers, you can also use social media to directly promote your product or service, which is called “brand promotion.”

For example, if you’re a dieting specialist and want to become a copywriter, you could start a blog about food trends or the ketogenic diet. Over time, you can then switch over to using Twitter to let your followers know when there are new food trends or alternative diets that could help them lose weight. Every time you promote a product or service on social media channels, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with more people.

Depending on your niche, you can also set up automated social media campaigns to grow your audiences on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. You can use tools like Hootsuite to automatically follow people who mention your chosen topic or niche on social media. Then, you can use other tools to engage with this audience on a daily basis. Remember: your goal is to eventually turn this audience into paying clients.

Traditional Advertising

While digital marketing (like SEO and paid advertising) have become incredibly sophisticated and effective over the past few years, traditional advertising still plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining customers. It just comes in a more discreet form.

You can use a variety of traditional advertisements (like radio ads, billboards, or magazine spreads) to attract potential clients. When done right, these types of ads won’t just draw in customers, they can also become a source of profitable leads.

Think about it: while we’ve all become incredibly reliant on digital marketing and social media to gain knowledge and make connections, there will always be a place for old-school tactics like radio ads and billboards.

Offline Marketing

In most cases, potential clients will come to you either through word of mouth or because they’ve seen your work. In the case of the latter, you can use offline marketing to get the word out about your services. In this case, you’ll want to establish a small business in the town you live in and work from there. While the idea of physically being in the same place as your customers can be incredibly appealing, it can also be incredibly distracting. You don’t want to give the impression that you’re only available online.

What platforms do you use to attract potential customers?