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How to Get a Job Writing Smut

You want to write. You have a dream to write. You are excellent at writing. You always have some idea for a story. You would even sell your own grandmother for some quick cash. But where do you start? How do you get a job writing smut? How do you become a professional-grade writer?

Luckily, you can find the answer in the wonderful world of blogging. Yes, the very same place where you read about boring stories, crafty tips, and amusing anecdotes. So, if you have a dream to become a professional writer, why not pursue it through blogging? You can build a following. And when the time comes, you can quietly slide into the job market as a professionally-qualified writer.

Here is how to get a job writing smut.

Pick A Niche

Now, it is not enough to simply say that you want to be a writer. You have to pick a niche. Why? Because although you may write stories for children, it does not mean that you will write children’s stories. You will write adult stories, YA stories, or some hybrid of the two. It is essential that you pick a niche if you want to be able to get a job as a writer. For the sake of this article, let’s go with children’s books. But it could be any genre. Adventure, comedy, historical, you name it. Just make sure that the audience is somewhere between the ages of four and fourteen.

Find Your Voice

No, not that kind of voice. Your own personal voice. What do I mean by that? To put it simply, you have to find the kind of books and stories that you want to write. This is not like finding a topic for a story. You have to find the voice that speaks to you. Your favorite authors have probably spoken to you at some point in your life. They have been there, done that, and they can guide you towards creating characters that you can identify with, and stories that you feel passionate about. It is not fair to simply copy what others have done, because then you are just giving credit where credit is not due. You have to find your own voice. Through stories that you write, you will find yourself. It is as simple as that.

Know When To Quit

Yes, even great writers lose motivation from time to time. It is normal for the desire to write to fade throughout the year. But you have to know when to quit. If you are struggling to find the motivation to write, or you feel like you are just going through the motions, it is probably time to call it quits. Writing is not easy. It takes a lot of work. And although there are rewards, it is not always easy to see the results of your efforts. Just remember that if you are always looking for the next thing to do, you will never be satisfied with what you have been able to achieve. When the time comes for you to find a job, it is better to be ready than sorry.

Blogging Is A Great Way To Market Yourself

Did you know that there are tens of thousands of blogs out there? It would be safe to say that most people know what a blog is. They might not always know what it is used for, but they know what it is. A blog is a place you can write about whatever you want. It is a personal creative space where you can share your thoughts and feelings with the world. We all love a good blog, don’t we? It is easy to get inspired by other bloggers’ work. You can learn a lot from their successes and failures. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t like to browse through other people’s creative work? It is easy for us, as authors, to appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into creating a blog. If you are a skilled writer, why not take advantage of this? Do you have a dream to become a professional writer? Make that dream a reality by blogging about it. You cannot directly apply for a job as a writer, but you can certainly build a reputation as an expert in your chosen field. And who knows – perhaps one day you will be able to put your skills to the test and land a job as a professional writer. That is the glorious world of blogging. Thanks for reading! I hope this article helped you in some way. If you want to be a writer, hopefully, this article inspires you to follow your heart and pursue your dreams. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter (@queenofstories) for more writing inspiration. And if you want to stay in touch, you can sign up for my newsletter to get regular content delivered to your inbox. I would love to have you in my community. Happy writing!