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How to Get a Writing Job with Conan O’Brien

You got a dream to be on the writing staff of the Conan O’Brien podcast? You can make it happen! To do that, you need to first prove yourself as a capable writer. No easy feat, I know. But it’s all about following the right steps to get there.

Find Your Perfect Voice

Yes, you should write in a way that is natural and simple. But that doesn’t mean you need to write in the manner of a 12-year-old in middle school. Try for a mix of styles and voices to find the one that feels the most comfortable for you. Don’t worry too much about being unique or finding a different pitch, as there are many ways to write humorously.

Humor is subjective, so you might need to experiment with different tones to find the one that works best for your personality. Keep in mind that what might feel funny to you, might not necessarily feel funny to others. This is why it’s so important to find your own voice and write what you know or feel. Avoid trying to be someone you’re not, otherwise, you’ll never be able to portray that character convincingly.

Be Selective

If you’re applying to be a writer for Conan O’Brien, you need to be selective about the stories you submit. It would be best to avoid cluttering up your portfolio with multiple stories about the same subject matter. Instead, focus on writing the best possible story for Conan O’Brien. You can always add in a few other pieces on different topics, but make sure they’re of a high standard.

You’ll find that most writing jobs with famous comedy hosts are character-based. Think of the Seinfeld episode where George makes his sitcom debut (written by Scott Adelman) or the many characters and situations portrayed by Larry David on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Being able to write humorously about a character allows you to showcase your comedic talent and is a great way to start your career. Even if you don’t end up getting the job, being able to write for a legendary comedian is a great resume fodder.

Develop A Thick Skin

Writing for Conan O’Brien is not going to be easy. It’s a demanding job that requires a lot of work and research. You’ll need to be able to take criticism and be willing to improve your work based on feedback. The good news is that this is what making you a better writer. Plus, with a little bit of luck, you might even end up on the comedy host’s favorite list and get a shout-out on-air once in a while. The bad news is that this might take a while to happen. It can take years to fully establish yourself as a capable comedy writer. But the pay-offs are definitely worth it.

With the information provided in this article, anyone can become a successful comedy writer. Just follow the steps outlined and believe in yourself. Most importantly, have fun! You can put in the hard work to become a great writer and be proud of what you achieve. You’ll find that a lot of people in the comedy industry have a lot of respect for what you’ve written. Whether or not you end up working for Conan O’Brien, you’re sure to find work in the comedy industry if you stick to your guns and prove yourself worthy.