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How to Get a Copywriting Internship With No Experience?

You’re graduating from college and you want to find your first job — an internship, really. You’ll most likely be overwhelmed by the vast array of exciting opportunities. But before you start pitching, you should know what to expect. Your chances of getting hired in a brand-new role are pretty slim, especially if you haven’t worked previously. But that doesn’t mean you should give up. There are ways to get a copywriting internship even if you have no experience. So here are some tips on how to land your first copywriting job — and keep it.

Find A Weakness

You’ll need to find your weaknesses. What are you good at? What skills do you have? Think about what you like doing and what you enjoy most. Then, write down your strengths and weaknesses. This will help you figure out what tasks you’ll be able to handle and which ones you’ll need help with. It’s always a good idea to have a strategy before you begin your job hunt. Identify what you’re missing in your current skill set and figure out how you can strengthen your weaknesses. Once you have that information, you can move forward with a clear idea of how to position yourself for success.

Create A Good First Impression

Even though you have no experience, you still need to go through the motions of applying for an internship. Once you do that, you’ll have a chance to create a good first impression. The last thing you want is for your potential employer to say, “Oh, he/she didn’t seem very interested in the position.” So make sure you showcase your interest in the role, through a cover letter or resume. Avoid using words like “interested” and “hire me,” instead, write something like, “I’m happy to apply for the position of copywriting intern.”

Do Research

Before you begin your internship search, you should do some research. Find out what kinds of companies are in the market for new employees and show that you’re willing to work for one. Once you have a taste of what a legitimate copywriting internship entails, you can narrow down your search to include only those companies that can offer you the opportunity to gain some valuable experience. If your objective is to enter the field and become a full-fledged copywriter, you’ll have to look for jobs with established brands that can provide you with plenty of opportunities for growth. Otherwise, your career will remain stagnant..

Focus On The Skills

When you’re applying for a job, focus on the skills that the position requires. It will be different from the job you had at Starbucks, where you were responsible for preparing coffee and building sandwiches. Your resume will not reflect your full potential unless it focuses on the skills that the position requires. So, before you send out your resume, ask yourself, “Do I have the skills needed for this position?” If not, then you should consider either changing your career path or looking for a different job.

Follow Up

When you send out your resume, follow up with a phone call. More and more employers are adopting a digital-first approach to finding new employees. Many companies thrive on online communities and social media, which provides them with a way to search for candidates even if they’re not on their radar. If your call doesn’t result in an interview, then it’s time to follow up with another call or email. Try to keep your follow up short and sweet.

Keep Your Resume Tidy

As a rule of thumb, a good resume should be no longer than one page. If you have a lot of experience, you can write two or three pages. Keep your resume as neat and tidy as possible. Bear in mind that your resume is an objective representation of your skills and experience. So, make sure that every section is organized and that everything makes sense when arranged in order. Bullets and subheadings should be used where applicable.

Do Your Homework

Even though you have no experience, you still need to do your homework. Become familiar with the different types of copywriting and the different styles of the industry. Learn how to write headlines that grab the attention of the reader and how to create engaging content that will keep them coming back for more. Make sure that you have all the necessary information about the company and the position before you begin writing. Doing your research will also help you determine the target audience and the purpose of the piece. If you’re not sure where to start, then visit BizEaze or HubSpot‘s blog for in-depth articles on the subject.

Be Creative

Even though you have no experience, you still have a good chance of landing a copywriting job. But you have to be creative in your approach to getting the job. Some suggestions include getting a jump start on your job search by volunteering to write something for free. You can also reach out to professional organizations that may be able to provide you with an opportunity to gain valuable experience. Or, you can create a portfolio of your writing — whether online or in print — and send it to potential employers. Finally, you can approach potential employers directly through social media (or even better, messenger platforms like Slack or Hootsuite).

Follow The Right Path

If you’re looking for a career in copywriting, then you need to follow the right path. Start by educating yourself about the industry. Research different types of copywriting and the different styles of the industry. Once you have established yourself as an expert, then begin looking for jobs in reputable publications or online forums that can help you gain experience. You can also look for positions that allow you to directly contribute to products that you love. For example, if you’re a dog lover, you can find a position in a dog magazine or on a dog website. Once you have gained experience, then you can move into more senior positions where your expertise can be of more use. You may also want to consider going back to school for a Master’s degree in Business or Communications.