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How to Figure Out What to Write an eBook About

So you’ve decided to write an eBook, but you aren’t exactly sure what to write about. How should you go about choosing which topics to cover? What do you need to know as a beginner?

These are just some of the questions you might ask yourself when deciding to write an eBook. To help answer these questions, we’ve put together a list of top tips on how to figure out what to write about. Armed with this information, you’ll be able to hit the ground running and begin writing your eBook as soon as possible.

Know Your Audience

The first and most important step to writing any book is to know your audience. Who will be reading your eBook? What are they looking for? What do they want from the book?

Although this step may seem obvious, it’s amazing how many newbie authors skip over it and end up with an overly complicated book that no one wants to read. As a writer, you must understand your target audience’s needs and wants if you want to create a book that they will enjoy and value.

You could start by asking yourself questions about the book. What do you want to see covered in the book? Who are you writing it for? What are their needs and wants?

Whatever the answers are, write them down and hang onto them. They will help guide you and keep you focused throughout the writing process.

Choose A Niche

Once you’ve figured out who your audience is, you can begin to choose a niche. What area of science does your eBook fall under? Math? Physics? Organic Gardening?

Whatever the subject matter is, you’ll want to approach it from a new angle. The key is to find some way to make your eBook unique. What makes your book different from others in your niche?

There are numerous ways to do this. You could cover a subject that no one else dares to touch. You could put a spin on an age-old concept and make it relevant to today’s readers. Or you could find a way to combine the two and create something altogether new.

Whatever you do, make sure that you keep things interesting. In order to do this, you must keep your readers engaged. Keep adding new angles and presenting new information. Keep the reader turning the page and unable to put the book down.

Make A List Of Topics You Know You Can Cover

With your niche and topic in mind, make a shortlist of topics you know you can cover. Whether you’ve got 15 mins before you need to publish or you’ve got the whole weekend, take some time to think of concepts you can cover in your eBook.

If you’ve got a bit of both, even better. Make a list of everything you can think of. Even if your list is short, it will still be beneficial. It will keep you focused and ensure that your book covers everything you need it to. Plus, it will help you decide which topics are more relevant to include in your book.

Set A Limitation On Word Count

Another important consideration is the word count. Just because you’ve got 500,000 words in your head doesn’t mean that you have to write them all down. Set a word limit and work within it. If your word count is 75,000, know that you’ll have to cut a few corners and leave out a few details. But, as long as you keep within the allotted words, your book will still be readable and coherent.

However, if you go over the allotted word count, you’ll end up with an abridged version that doesn’t fully convey your message. Plus, if you want the book to be published, you’ll need to reduce the amount of words.

Choose A Title

Last but not least, we have the title. The title of your book will be the first thing that readers see when they open up your ebook. So take the time to think of something catchy and relevant. Ensure that the title reflects the content of your book and that it sums up everything in a single phrase.

If you can, come up with a short, snappy title that will stick in the mind of your audience. As a general rule, a short sentence that can be easily recognized is the best type of title. Simple and to the point are the best ways to go. Don’t worry too much about making it a perfect fit for the content of your book. If the title isn’t suitable, it’ll be the first thing that users stumble upon when they open your eBook. So, it’s important to find a balance between being concise and yet informative.

With these top tips from our side, you’ll be able to figure out what to write about and, more importantly, you’ll be able to follow through and actually write the book. By doing this, you’ll be able to make the most of your experience and become an expert in your chosen area. Good luck out there.