For writers and artists, keeping your creative juices flowing is key to maintaining a productive day. Whether you are a professional or a hobbyist, keeping focused can be challenging. There are numerous distractions that may cause you to lose focus on what you were originally planning on working on. Below we’ve compiled a few ideas to assist you in staying purposeful while writing and drawing.
Take Regular Breaks
Creative writing and art can be extremely time-consuming. It can also be incredibly mentally and physically challenging. For this reason, it’s important to give your body and mind regular breaks. This may mean taking a walk, having a cup of tea, or going to the cinema. Regular breaks throughout the day can assist you in maintaining your focus while increasing productivity. If you find that you are struggling to write for longer than an hour, taking a short break can help you return to where you left off.
Plan Your Work
It’s important to plan your work whenever you can. This means taking the time to sit down and think through each step, action, and reaction. By doing this, you can ensure that nothing is forgotten and that everything is accounted for. This will help you create a flawless masterpiece. It’s often times easy to get distracted by the everyday tasks that crop up, and forget about what you’re actually supposed to be doing. Writing down your daily tasks can help you stay focused and on-task. It also helps you plan out your work more efficiently. If you find that you are struggling to stay organized, using a task management app such as Todoist can help you keep track of all your activities. Plan out your workday and stick to it as closely as possible. This will help you avoid anxiety and maintain a steady productivity level. It can also reduce your workload by letting you know when you’re heading in the right direction and when you’ve covered everything. If you find that you’re often wasting time planning work that wasn’t written, reworking your planning can help you avoid this situation. We’ve all been there. We’ve all been so focused on what we “think” we need to write that we completely forget about everything else. So instead of wasting time, we suggest going back to the drawing board and planning out a whole new story, or even a whole novel. This could result in some fantastic pieces of fiction if you follow through.
Create A Routine
A routine can be extremely valuable when it comes to focus and concentration. Routines can help you get into a groove and feel more natural when writing. Create a routine where your days consist of the same tasks and activities. This can help establish a base line for your productivity. Creating a routine can also help you plan out your work more efficiently. Once you’ve got a routine down, it can be easy to see what works and what doesn’t. If a particular activity doesn’t seem to contribute to your productivity, it may be time to find a new routine. Routines can also help you establish and stay in the right mood for creative writing and art. If you find that certain activities make you feel energized and ready to write, while others leave you drained (e.g. cleaning the house), having a routine can help you identify the difference. If you start to feel that your routines are getting a bit staid, it may be time to change up your schedule a bit. This keeps your creative juices flowing and ensures that you get the most out of each day. Create routines where necessary and enjoy the benefits.
Use Technology Wisely
One of the easiest ways to lose focus while working is by getting distracted by technology. This is probably why you’ve been put onto this earth; to avoid the temptation of using technology. We’re surrounded by it, from phones, to tablets, to laptops. All of these devices can pull us away from our work for unnecessary or lengthy periods of time. While technology can be a great tool when used appropriately, frequently checking social media, playing games, or browsing the web for entertainment can cause you to lose focus and get distracted. If you find that your attention is being pulled away from your work significantly, it may be time to put down your devices and get back to work. It’s all about finding the right balance. Too much technology and you may lose all sense of productivity. Keep the devices around for necessary tasks only, and try to limit yourself to no more than a few hours of non-stop entertainment a day. This will put you in the best possible position to continue your work.
Avoid Self-Doubt
It’s important to avoid doubting yourself when you’re working. Whether you’re a professional or a hobbyist, no one else is going to do your job for you. You have to believe in yourself and your work. When you start to doubt yourself, it becomes harder to concentrate on what you’re doing. You may also feel anxious about executing your plan, or worried about whether or not you’ll be able to pull it off. Avoid letting these negative thoughts creep into your head. Push them aside and concentrate on what you’re doing. This will help you create a piece of art that is as good as you know it can be. It may even surprise you with how effective it can be.
When you’re working on a creative project, it may be difficult to keep your focus. There are numerous distractions that may cause you to lose focus on what you’re actually supposed to be doing. Below we’ve compiled a few ideas to assist you in staying purposeful while writing and drawing.