Sometimes, creative writing prompts can feel almost like Christmas presents, simply because you never know what kind of story you’re going to get. That’s certainly the case with this collection of writing prompts from CreativeMornings, which range from the personal to the political, in terms of subject matter. There’s a story behind every writing prompt, and while some of them may call for you to use your imagination, or even your own life experiences, there’s certainly no harm in exploring the real world.
The Benefits Of Journaling
One of the important things about CreativeMornings’ collection of creative writing prompts is that they don’t just give you an idea for a short story; they can also help you develop your creative writing skills. It’s well-known that creative writing can be a very therapeutic activity, and one that has many advantages.
Firstly, it forces you to step out of your comfort zone. Whether you feel that your writing is good enough to publish or that it’s just for your own personal enjoyment, creative writing is a wonderful way to improve your skills, and it helps you find new ways to express yourself. Talking through your problems with a trained mental health professional is also a great way to work through tension and issues, and it can help you to see problems from a different perspective, which can sometimes be very refreshing. When you write down your thoughts and feelings, you’re also acting as your own personal secretary, and jotted downing down these creative writing prompts is a great way to keep track of your ideas and to come back to them at a later date. If you find that you don’t have the capacity to complete a full-length novel, but you can churn out a short story every once in a while, then this is definitely a great option for you. Creative writing can be cathartic and it can also help you to develop as an individual – it’s a great choice for anyone, regardless of their preferred genre.
The Danger Of Lingerie Reviews
Another great thing about creative writing is that it can be very personal, in terms of the subjects that you choose to explore. Whether you’re writing about your exes, your family, or even your friends, you can be as detailed or as vague as you want to be, and the important thing is that you’re being honest. It can be a great way to work through problems, or simply as a means of self-expression. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you have to show everything, but it does mean that you shouldn’t feel that you have to censor yourself.
Unfortunately, there’s also a dark side to creative writing. If you choose to explore themes relating to the female sex, using the pseudonym Robert Galbraith, or a similar one, you risk running into problems. Publishing under a pseudonym is great, because it allows you to explore topics that you wouldn’t normally have the courage to touch upon, and it also makes you seem more professional. If you ever end up being featured in a mainstream publication, it could spell big trouble. It’s better to stick to subjects that are more general, or to use an invented name.
The Power Of The Prompt
Sometimes, the inspiration for a creative writing project just comes when you’re getting ready for the day. If you set yourself the unusual task of writing for at least half an hour every morning, before heading off to work, you’re bound to produce some pretty amazing material – the key is to just to go with the flow, and to not force any material.
Forced creativity can lead you down the wrong path. It’s very easy to start writing just to keep the ideas coming, and before you know it, you’ve written a novel – or at least, you’ve outlined one. Sometimes it’s better to just do whatever comes naturally, and let the ideas flow effortlessly. It’s a bit like cooking – if you force yourself to make something that you don’t feel like cooking, it rarely turns out well.
That’s why it’s better to choose your own adventure – literally. If you find that you have no strong feelings one way or the other about lingerie, or if you think that it’s an area that you just don’t have much experience in, then it’s time to explore. Look at the world around you, and decide what you see – either lingerie represents something that you don’t like, or it’s something that you want to experience, and if it’s the latter, then it’s time to put your thoughts to paper. Even if you decide that you don’t like what you’ve written, you can always go back and edit it – you can’t do this with a finished novel, as you’ll eventually run into trouble because it’ll be too late to change anything. At least with a short story or a novella, you can go back and start again from the beginning, and tell the story your way, however flawed or incredible it may be.