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How to Write a Good Work Portfolio Work Copy

Every business owner, HR professional, or career changer will advise you to put your best foot forward as you begin the job search. However, what does that mean? How can you show your best work to an employer? What do you need to include in your work copy to make it shine? How can you write a good work portfolio to attract the attention of multiple employers?

A job search can be tricky. The objective is to find that perfect job that you were looking for, but you also want to stand out from the crowd. This is especially important if you’re competing with several other applicants for a single position. Your resume alone won’t cut it. You need a work copy that will introduce you to the employer and give them a reason to choose you.

What elements can you include in your work copy to make it compelling? Below, we’ve listed what we believe to be the most important things to include in your work copy to write a good job application.

The Cover Letter

The cover letter is one of the most important parts of your work copy. No matter what industry you’re applying to, there will always be a cover letter requirement. The cover letter is a tool employers can use to divide applicants into two groups: Those who are a good fit for the position and those who are not. The cover letter should introduce you to the employer, provide some further information about yourself, and convince the employer that you are the best fit for the position. While the cover letter should be no more than two or three pages, make sure you keep it succinct and to the point.

The Resume

The resume is a tool used to store and retrieve relevant employment data. Resumes exist in two forms: Classic and Functional. A classic resume is a chronological list of your career highlights, including the organizations you’ve worked for, achievements, and any relevant training or education. A functional resume is a more modern presentation of your work history, featuring your key responsibilities and a brief summary of your accomplishments. Regardless of which type you choose, resumes always include key competencies such as leadership, cooperation, and analytics.

Your resume should be no longer than one page and must include:

  • A short bio about you
  • Your key responsibilities
  • Your key accomplishments
  • Actions you’ll take to implement the plans of the company
  • A short summary of your past experience
  • A short summary of your education
  • How you fit in at this organization
  • Three skill sets that you believe are valuable for this job and company (at least two of these skills should be relevant to the position)
  • Three to five accomplishments that you’re proud of
  • A short summary of your personal life (for both your biological and adoptive parents)

The Portfolio

A portfolio is a collection of your work that can be used to underscore your value to the employer. The portfolio is an extension of your resume and cover letter, presenting you as a whole package. It’s a form of proof that you’re capable of delivering on your promises. The perfect portfolio should be no than three to five pages, have a professional edge, and be concise.

The Interview

The interview is a crucial part of your job search strategy. An employer might ask you questions about your background, career, and skills. Make sure you’re prepared for the interview by reviewing the job posting and the interview questions in advance. The interview is a chance for the employer to learn more about you as a potential employee. An interview can be either telephone or face to face. Make sure you have at least one reference as an interview referee in case there are any discrepancies in the transcript. Once the interview is complete, you’ll receive a notification. At this point, you can either thank the employer for the opportunity to interview or decline the offer and explain why.

Your job search strategy should include all of the abovementioned elements. The more you include, the greater the chances of you being selected for an interview. Your goal is to write a good work copy, which will help you to stand out from the crowd and give you a chance at being selected for an interview. Above all else, make sure you keep it short and to the point.