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How to Become a Copywriting Practice

A copywriting practice is a company focused on creating material for companies to use in their marketing, sales and communication materials (i.e. websites, emails, social media posts, etc.). Many copywriters begin their career in a similar fashion, by taking online courses to learn the ins and outs of copywriting. Once they’ve mastered the theoretical aspects of the trade, they can begin applying what they’ve learned in real-life situations. The following will discuss how to become a copywriting practice.

Consider The Pros

One of the things that make a copywriting practice stand out is the volume of work they can generate. With many freelance copywriters competing for limited work, the fact that a copywriting practice can pull in high-quality work isn’t something you’ll always be able to count on. When considering a career in copywriting, you should therefore look to the pros, who have already been where you are planning on going, to see how the industry operates and what to expect. The pros can also direct you to where your skills can be put to the best use and how to position yourself for success.

The Risks

When starting a copywriting practice, you must also consider the risks involved. Like any other job, there are risks associated with working in the copywriting industry. In order to mitigate these risks and be prepared for the eventuality of things going wrong, you must be cognizant of them. For instance, you might choose to work remotely for a period of time, so that you can get the feel of a real professional workplace without the risk of infecting your client’s computers with viruses or leaking sensitive information. Or, you might want to take a leap of faith and sign up with a copywriting practice without having any sample work to show your potential clients. While this might seem like a no-risk strategy, you never know what could happen, so it’s best to be safe than sorry.

Where Do I Begin?

Now that you know what type of work environment you’d like to enter and what risks you’re willing to take on, it’s time to figure out where to begin your copywriting journey. With many excellent online universities offering degrees in copywriting and numerous free online resources available to learn the craft, there’s no reason to stick to campus life when you can learn the same knowledge from the comfort of your home. When deciding where to apply, consider your strengths and weaknesses, as well as what you’re passionate about. Having a strong background in both writing and research, you’d likely be a good candidate for an online program in copywriting, which you can further specialize in.

The Next Step

After you graduate from college, the next step is to get a job as a copywriter. Regardless of whether you specialize in traditional print media or digital content, marketing or sales, there’ll always be a need for skilled copywriters. While you’re not guaranteed work, there’ll always be something for you to do. Be sure to build a portfolio of samples of your work to show potential employers, including cover letters, pitches, press releases and more. Once you’ve accumulated a good number of samples, put yourself in as many different situations as possible – from cold-calling to pitch to pitching to a published author – so that you can get a sense of how things go. Once you’ve gained some experience, you can then look to get a contract with a reputable agency or brand to gain some more credibility. If you want to be seen as a go-to person in your field, having a contract will help prove that you’re indeed a skilled copywriter.

How Do I Prove My Worth?

Once you’ve proven yourself capable of producing top-notch copy, it’s time to put your talent to the test. With numerous agencies and brands seeking writers to help them with their copy, you’ll soon find yourself in competition for work. To stand out among the crowd and secure your spot as a preferred copywriter, you must look to differentiate yourself from the rest of the pack. To begin with, learn to ask for more money. While it might seem counter-intuitive to learn to ask for more money, the fact is that top-notch copywriters can often secure higher rates than their less experienced counterparts. Secondly, show that you’re a team player by participating in group projects and presenting your ideas constructively. Thirdly, focus on specific objectives. Instead of simply churning out an endless stream of words, seek out a single (or two) key objectives you can aim to hit per project. Finally, continue to learn and grow. While you might be tempted to simply keep on leveling up so that you can secure a higher rate, this is never the case. Instead, look to constantly improve your skills so that you can outshine your competition and secure top-notch work for the foreseeable future.

As you can see, there’s a lot that goes into becoming a copywriter, but as long as you remain realistic about the risks and rewards, the rewards will more than make up for the risks you take. A copywriting practice can be a lucrative career if you manage your time efficiently and work your way up through the ranks. Good luck!