The funding world can be a hard one to navigate. Finding the right project for your skillset can be challenging. The thought of spending your free time developing training for the sake of a pay cheque can seem unattractive.
However, if you’re passionate about a certain topic, there are ways to be compensated for your expertise that don’t involve becoming a professional grant writer.
Become A Test Subject Attorney
One way to put money in your pocket is to become a test subject attorney. A test subject attorney is an attorney who provides legal services to scientists for a fee. These services usually have something to do with medical research, but can include anything from providing general counsel to a bio-tech company to helping to design a city-wide research database. The attorneys who take part in these studies are usually called “subject matter experts” or “expert witnesses” and are compensated for their time and expenses, usually through an expenses-paid lifestyle with healthcare benefits.
Try Pro Bono
Another way to put money in your pocket is to try pro bono. This simply means you give your time and expertise for free, in the hopes of gaining some valuable experience that will help you in the future. There are many benefits to doing pro bono work, but one of the biggest perks is that you’ll never feel short-changed because of your passion for a particular subject matter. You’ll always feel that the compensation you got is fair and reasonable for the value you provided.
Sign Up For A Continuing Legal Education Course
Not in the mood to become a test subject attorney? Why not take a couple of years off and enroll in a continuing legal education course? Just about any certified public legal education course will do. Once you complete the course, you’ll have the option of using the certificate as a basis for applying for licensing or for further legal education. You’ll also have access to the certificate’s online platform, which will keep you updated on the ever-changing legal world. You can even create your own course to fit your existing legal education background and expertise, or the expertise of a subject matter you’re passionate about, like biotech or life sciences.
Start A Scholarship Fund
If you’re looking for ways to put money in your pocket, a good place to start is with a scholarship fund. A scholarship fund is a financial award that is provided to students because of their demonstrated financial need or academic excellence. Many scholarship funds exist solely to support students in their research endeavors. If you’re passionate about a certain topic, like biotech or life sciences, you can start up a fund in those fields and provide financial support to students who are pursuing studies in those areas. The beauty of a scholarship fund is that you don’t need to do any of the work. You just need to have the money to give away. You can find the perfect match for your needs and the needs of your community in a scholarship fund. In addition, many of these funds offer an income-generating component, which can help you earn a good income from a second career that you might otherwise not be able to financially support yourself.
Start A Research Group
If none of the above seem to be working for you, you might opt for the route of entrepreneurship. Starting a research group is a great way to put money in your pocket. A research group is an organization that performs research for a company, government agency, or non-profit organization. The work is usually done on contract, and the results are kept private. However, some research groups have adopted a shared research model, where the results are published and shared with the academic community. The perks of creating a research group are that you don’t need any formal training to get started, you don’t need to do any of the work, and you can choose the topic you’re passionate about. You’ll just need to find the right partner(s) for your research.
Get A Teaching Assistantship
One more way to make some cash is to get a teaching assistantship. A teaching assistantship is a part-time position that provides you with a stipend to help with your education. The amount of money you’ll receive will depend on your qualifications, teaching experience, and the university or college you’re applied to. A teaching assistantship at a university is usually a tenured position, which provides you with job security in addition to the stipend. If security isn’t your concern, you can also get a teaching assistantship at a community college. However, the stipend won’t be as high as it is at a university level. In some instances, you may only get enough to cover your room and board.
So you’re feeling adventurous? There are ways you can become a paid consultant, without leaving the comfort of your home. You can take your expertise and knowledge and offer them for free as a kind of informal professional opinion. Just make sure you’re not misrepresenting yourself or giving bad advice. If you do choose to do this, make sure you get some protection for yourself against legal action in the event that your advice leads to wrongful actions. Consultation is a great way to get experience, pick up some extra spending money, and potentially make some good connections.
Grant Writing
Last but not least, we have grant writing. Grant writing is a process through which non-profit organizations apply for funding from private and public sources in order to support their projects. The general rule of thumb is that if you’re applying for grant funding, you’ll need to choose a recipient that is either a registered charity or a non-profit organization. Registration as a non-profit organization is generally free of charge. As a general rule, registered charities can apply for grants that support program-related costs, such as supplies, software, and personnel. They may also apply for grants that support the operation of their organizations, which can include administrative costs, travel and transport, and printing and mailing costs. In some cases, registered charities can even apply for grants that support the hiring of research assistants and the development of new products and services. A registered charity can also apply for a “seed” fund, which provides partial funding for the development of new programs, research projects, and the creation of new products.
As you can see, there are many ways you can make a few extra bucks. If you want to get paid to provide training, consider the above options. Remember, give something back, volunteer your time, and don’t feel bad about turning down any project that doesn’t feel right to you.