You have an idea for a story. Maybe you always wanted to know more about dragons or zombies. Or maybe you just have a passion for politics and history. Whatever your interest, there is a way you can turn it into a compelling narrative with artistic flair! Here are some tips on how to do just that.
Start Small
When you first start out, it’s important to keep your ideas fresh. Instead of risking disappointment by attempting to write the Great American novel, write a short story instead. The writing exercises in this article will help you improve your skills and generate plenty of material for future stories. Before you know it, you’ll be itching to write your next book. This is especially beneficial for new, aspiring writers who may be intimidated by the thought of attempting a complete written work.
Make It Memorable
What makes for a good story isn’t solely based on the content of the narrative – it is, to a large degree, based on the author’s unique way of presenting it. The way in which you tell the story can be as important as the story itself. For example, if your story is about a zombie apocalypse, but you present it in the first person plural, it may have a completely different feel to it than if you’d written it in the third person. This is where the exercises below come in handy – by forcing you to change the way you write, you’ll be forced to consider the effect of your choices on the story you’ve created.
Use Details To Your Advantage
Although the specifics may not always make for good drama, the little mundane details that you include can help greatly in making the story more realistic. If you tell the reader about the taste of the coffee that your lead character drinks, or about how she feels about her boss, you can bring your story to life in a vivid manner. These are the sorts of details that can help the reader completely enter your world, and feel as though they’re part of the story themselves.
Don’t Be Foolish
No one likes a fool. People will always have trouble believing that someone could be so incredibly stupid that they would believe something that isn’t true. Oftentimes, these individuals will seek revenge against the person whom they believe to be a fool by taking them down a notch or two on the social totem pole. If you want to keep your audience engaged, don’t be a fool. People will always have trouble believing that someone could be so incredibly stupid that they would believe something that isn’t true. In order to retain your audience’s interest, it is often a good idea to depict your main character as being somewhat smart – after all, you wrote the story to entertain them, right? So, don’t write a story in which your lead character is a complete moron. If you want to keep your audience engaged, don’t be a fool. People will always have trouble believing that someone could be so incredibly stupid that they would believe something that isn’t true.
Checkmate is a game that relies on logic and reason rather than luck. If you’re looking to incorporate some strategy into your writing, checkmate is the game for you. In this game, two players race to eliminate their opponent’s pieces. Each turn, a player may remove one of their opponent’s pieces, either by moving it to a different space or by knocking it over using a bullet. The game ends when only one piece remains on the board. What makes this game so interesting is that even though you’re using your head to think your way to victory, you’re not necessarily going against another person. The game itself is essentially a battle of wits and intellect, and it can be a great way to develop your writing. You can use a story that you’ve already written as a starting point, or you can use a template and write your own version. Regardless, chess is a wonderful tool to have in your kit.
The Importance Of Language
Words have the ability to conjure up mental images and bring environments to life in a way that mere pictures cannot. If you want a reader to truly believe that the zombie apocalypse is taking place, you should describe in vivid detail the sort of atmosphere you wish to evoke – perhaps you want to create a horrific scene similar to that of the film 28 days later. In order to achieve this, you will want to use language that is as vivid as possible. Consider using alliteration – whenever you use words that begin with the same letter (such as “a” or “the”), you’re using alliteration. For example, if you want to evoke the mood of a war zone, you might say, “The streets were dusty and loud; cars honked their horns as they wove through the throng of pedestrians.” Vivid description is important when it comes to evoking atmosphere, but you should also consider using interesting language – the more you use, the more you will establish yourself as an “interesting” writer, and the better your story will be.
A Change Of Pace
If you’ve read this far, you may be wondering what sort of tips there are for novelists. Well, the answer is that there aren’t any tips for novelists. The only difference between short story and novel writing is the length of the work. If you’re looking to write a short story, the best piece of advice is to write one! Once you get into the habit of writing short stories, you’ll be able to move into longer works with confidence. When it comes to getting ideas for short stories, there are plenty of places to look – you don’t necessarily have to be a prisoner to the daily grind of life! Instead, look at things that interest you and that you feel passionate about, and see what sort of story you can tell about it. Remember, it’s not about the idea itself, it’s about the way you present it that counts.