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How Much Should You Charge to Write Online?

It’s become commonplace to find yourself wanting to write something, but without the time to dedicate to it. So you turn to your laptop or desktop computer, and you bang away at it for several hours until you finally have a little piece of writing that you can show people. Maybe you’ll send it to a publication, or perhaps you’ll just leave it on social media as a quick response to a situation.

While there’s a time and place for short-form content, there’s also a place for longer form content. And for larger publications, longer form content means a higher pay-scale. A recent PwC report found that the average American spends more than four hours every day on social media. With so much time spent online, more and more people are looking for ways to make extra money – including the so-called ‘digital nomads’ who are constantly hopping from one gig to the next.

But how much should you be charging for your work? And how much should you be looking to get?

The ‘Content Creator’ Role

If you’re someone who is able to write something about a topic in a way that is helpful and interesting to others, you can use that to your advantage and create a niche for yourself as a ‘content creator’.

The role of a content creator is quite open-ended, but it usually entails researching a topic, brainstorming ideas, and then using your skill set to write something that is engaging. You’ll probably end up taking an outsider’s point of view, and you’ll use creative sentences and phrases to make ideas understandable. You may even have to do a bit of research to back up your claims. But hopefully, you’ll make enough money to keep yourself motivated to continue doing what you do.

The Rise In Demand For ‘Lifestyle Content’

If you enjoy writing about topics that interest you, you can use that to your advantage and create a niche for yourself as a ‘lifestyle content’ writer. People are looking for ways to spend their free time, and they usually have a few favorite topics that they like to read about, or watch videos on. So if you can write about these topics in a way that is helpful and interesting to others, you can use that to build a following.

With so much competition, it’s essential that you stand out from the crowd. And with so many people trying to promote themselves on social media, the chance to be genuinely useful is becoming more and more rare. So if you can find a way to be relevant, and make a worthwhile contribution, then you can use that to your advantage and build a sustainable audience.

Become A Freelance Copywriter

If you can’t find a way to become a content creator, or a lifestyle content writer, or even just a regular blogger, there is another option. You can become a freelance copywriter and tackle any type of marketing project that comes your way.

Being a freelance copywriter is a great way to make money online and it can also be a way to supplement your income with something that you enjoy doing. You’ll be submitting weekly assignments to be completed by the end of the month. And you can take this on as a full-time or part-time job, or even use it as supplemental income while you work on building your personal brand.

The demand for freelance writers is on the rise, and with so many people searching for content creators, or lifestyle content writers, it’s an ideal opportunity to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. Whether you’re an expert in financial services, medical technology, or any other field, you can find a way to make money online with freelance writing. There’s always work!

Why should you write online? It can be a way to make money, establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry, or even just to communicate with your audience. And as long as you can find a way to make enough money to keep yourself motivated to write, you can find a way to make it work for you.