I know what you’re thinking. You’re wondering how much money does a writer workshop (commonly referred to as a workshop) bring to your local community. Are you wondering what kind of impact a workshop can have on your neighborhood? How about your town? Your state? Your country?
It varies from place to place, but typically, a writer’s workshop will have a positive effect on a community. It usually starts as a small and modest project and then gradually grows in scope and popularity, attracting more and more participants, until it finally becomes a registered charity, with all the associated perks that entails. Let’s take a closer look.
The Impact of a Workshop On a Local, Regional, and National Level
It’s been proven time and time again that getting creative writing (particularly in a group setting) can significantly boost your mental health. As outlined in a 2014 article in The Atlantic, participants in a creative writing workshop will “report significant improvements in mood and self-esteem,” and, as a bonus, “their writing will also be better.”
In the same vein, a writer’s workshop can improve the quality of your writing and, as a result, the standard of your publication. More and more publishers are recognizing the benefits of incorporating creative writing into their degree programs, particularly in English and/or Literature. Some of the top-rated MFA writing programs in the country include a workshop or a course in experimental or creative writing. With more and more employers looking for skilled writers, the demand for writing courses and creative writing workshops is on the rise. This, in turn, benefits the writers who participate in them, providing them with the opportunity to fine-tune their craft and produce work that is both creative and of high quality. It all amounts to a pretty sweet deal for the writer, the community, and the employer/trainer who brings in the big bucks, of course!
The Economic Impact of a Workshop
Let’s keep our focus on the here and now, shall we? The impact of a workshop is obviously subjective, depending on the size, location, and structure of the activity. However, as a rule of thumb, a small creative writing workshop will probably have a fairly small impact in terms of its economic impact. Start-up costs are usually minimal, consisting of a room for teachers, students, and possibly a mentor; a computer or a few; and maybe a project budget. Over time, as the activity grows, so does its economic impact. Smaller creative writing workshops will often evolve into larger ones, with the original participants seeding the ground for future growth and establishing a more permanent structure for the group. This is particularly beneficial for the community, as it provides them with a steady source of income and job opportunities. The American Institute for Economic Research has estimated that every $500,000 invested in a creative writing program will result in an economic impact of around $1 million.
Attracting More Than Mental Health Benefits
As mentioned, a writer’s workshop can have multiple benefits for the community. Attracting more than mental health benefits, a writer’s workshop can improve the quality of your community. This, in turn, benefits everyone in the community, as a higher quality of life will almost certainly generate positive externalities. An improved quality of life will almost certainly result in increased productivity, both economic and creative. Employers and employees, as well as students, enjoy spending time together and developing their skills, resulting in a more engaged and vibrant community. This is a virtuous circle that leads to a happier, healthier, and more prosperous community.
How Does a Workshop Impact The Individuals Who Participate In It?
Anyone who participates in a writer’s workshop will almost certainly experience positive benefits, both emotional and creative. The participants in a workshop will be more engaged with each other, developing a stronger connection. This, in turn, will result in closer friendships and networks, as well as an increase in individual productivity. Creative writing in a group setting is a great way to increase productivity and, as a result, generate a positive impact on the individuals who participate in it.
Is It Replicable? How Do I Get Started?
The short answer is yes. It is replicable. The long answer is a lot more involved, but this is what the literature is telling us. In a nutshell, in order to generate a positive impact from a workshop, you need to start with a small group of individuals and build from there. For the sake of this article, I’m going to assume that you have a pretty good idea of what a writer’s workshop is and how it operates. If that’s not the case and you’re wondering what on earth you might do next, I’d recommend reading the following:
- How to Start A Writer’s Workshop In Your Home
- The Atlantic
- American Institute for Economic Research
- Institute of Management
- American Association for Advertising Agencies
- North Carolina Arts Council
- National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- North Carolina Arts Alliance
- The Center for Emerging Media
- National Alliance to End Abuse
- United States Artists
Once you’ve got a small and nimble group of creative writers, you can get started with the following: