Copywriting is a lucrative career for those looking for extra cash, and those seeking to make a living off writing. Although there are no exact figures available, it is estimated that somewhere around 10% of the world’s population writes product descriptions, articles and ads for a living. With so many people looking for the opportunity to make some extra cash, how can you possibly say no?
The question is: How much money can you make as a copywriter for porn? In this article, we’ll answer that question and provide you with an idea of what you can expect to earn per month. We’ll also look at the steps you can take to become a successful copywriter for porn.
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
As a copywriter for porn, you’ll be asked to write copy to promote the site and its various products. The good news is that the copy you’ll be asked to write is usually of high quality and tends to be fairly short. You won’t need a Ph.D. in English to be able to pull off copywriting for porn. The bad news is that a lot of what you’ll be asked to write is pretty awful. We’re talking about content that no one would actually want to read and that’s mostly why paid copywriters are so in demand.
The key to making a successful career out of copywriting for porn is to embrace the awfulness of the task and turn it into something positive. To do this, you’ll need to get creative and come up with ideas to make the content sound interesting and engaging. In case you’re wondering, the ugly is also important and it’s what you’re expected to leave out of the copy you write. In other words, you’ll need to find the positive aspects of the material you’re copying and build a story around them. For example, if you’ve been assigned the task of pitching a thong bikini, but you feel that there’s more to this story than just a bikini that happens to be in a funny color or style, then you should definitely investigate it and come up with some interesting ideas as to why someone would want to purchase this particular swimsuit.
Copywriting For Porn: What You Need To Know
Those seeking to make a living off writing could possibly find it difficult to do so if they don’t keep up with new trends and styles. Luckily for you, we’re here to help with six essential tips that will make or break your career as a copywriter for porn.
1. Experience Is Everything
Even though you might come up with some brilliant ideas while writing a product description for an affiliate marketing campaign, you’ll never become a professional copywriter if you haven’t developed the necessary skills. Luckily for you, we’re here to help with five tips that will help you write engaging stories and persuasive articles for use in a marketing campaign. As you’ll see, this is simply required reading if you want to get ahead in this field. Experience is everything, and it’s crucial you have enough of it. To start your journey to becoming a professional copywriter, you’ll need to spend some time writing and getting experience in different areas.
2. Find Your Voice
Every piece of copy you write will be for a specific brand or company, which means that you’ll need to find your voice, the way you write, the way you speak. Doing this will be difficult if you don’t have enough experience, but you can follow some tried and tested methods to improve your writing. For example, you could read the work of acclaimed authors and see how they write, then incorporate this into your own work. Watching and listening to others will help you find the right tone of voice for your copy and you’ll be able to determine when something needs to be changed or adapted to fit the needs of the brand or company.
3. Read A Lot
If you want to become a successful copywriter, you’ll need to be a voracious reader. If I had a nickel for every time someone said that to me, I’d probably have enough money to buy a small country. The key to being a successful copywriter is staying abreast of the latest trends and styles and being able to apply this to your work. To start your journey to becoming a pro, you’ll need to dedicate yourself to reading as much as possible. To make sure you keep up with all the trends and styles, you could try using a tool such as Google Keep to keep a digital copy of everything you read. This will help you synthesize all the knowledge you gain into one place and ensure you don’t forget a thing.
4. Be Persistent
Even though you might not feel that you’re qualified, or that you’ve had enough experience to qualify for this type of work, you shouldn’t give up hope just yet. As human beings, we have a tendency to doubt our abilities, especially if the task seems daunting or impossible to achieve. This is why experts recommend that you shouldn’t give up hope just yet even though you might not feel that you’re qualified. With enough hard work, determination and flexibility, you might be able to find a way to make this type of work fit your skillset and experience. Keep in mind: If you do manage to find a way to make this work for you, it will most likely require a lot of patience.
5. Be Creative
As mentioned above, finding the positive aspects of a product or service and turning these into engaging, creative copy is a highly effective method of making money online. In the same way you might come up with a unique selling point (USP) for a product you’re promoting, you’ll need to do the same for a piece of content you’re writing. For example, let’s say you’ve been assigned the task of creating a description for a product that enables people to play music visually. Maybe the product allows users to display their music collection on a virtual jukebox. In this case, you could come up with a unique selling point for the product that fits perfectly with the design of the jukebox: “This product allows users to show off their music collection on a virtual jukebox in an exciting, creative and visual way.” Not only will this make the piece of content more interesting, but it’ll also make the product that you’re promoting seem more appealing. If you want to be able to pull this off, you’ll need to be creative and come up with unique ideas for making any type of content sound interesting and engaging.
6. Be Brave
In cases where you do come up with an idea that seems too good to be true, or in cases where you feel the material you’re being asked to write is somewhat questionable, you’ll need to be brave enough to speak your mind and bring your A-game. If you want to be able to pull this off, you’ll need to be brave enough to speak your mind and bring your A-game. Remember, this is only ethical if the company you’re writing for respects your opinion. Otherwise, they’re quite legally entitled to ask you to write the piece in a certain way that will benefit their company. If this offends you, then perhaps consulting an attorney before beginning your online writing career is a better option. Otherwise, you’re probably going to end up in court and there’s no guarantee you’ll win the case. Even though it might not appear to be at first glance, there’s always a way to write an effective contract for this type of work. Take time to read over the terms and conditions of the contract before you sign it. This way, you’ll be sure to understand everything that is required of you.
Pricing For This Type Of Work
Those seeking to make a living as a copywriter for porn usually work on a project-based basis where they are hired to write content for a specific brand. As a freelance writer, you might be asked to pitch and write for different brands and products, which means you’ll need to establish a consistent rate for this type of work. To do this, you could use the hourly rate as a starting point, then add additional per-word charges for complexity. For example, if you’re pitching for a company that sells beachwear, you could start your price per word at $25 and then add $5 for every 500 additional words. Establishing a price for your work is difficult, but it’s vital you do this if you want to arrive at a fair rate. Remember, those seeking to make a living as a copywriter for porn usually work on a project-based basis, so be sure to lock in your rates before you begin work.