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How Much Money Can You Make as a Freelance Writer?

If you’re looking for a way to supplement your income or eventually replace your day job, you’ve probably considered pursuing freelance writing as a career. Launching a freelance writing business can be a profitable venture, but how profitable can you potentially be? Let’s examine the various factors that influence your earnings as a freelance writer.

The Cost Of Living In A City

The cost of living in a big city like New York or L.A. is high. You may not be able to afford to eat in expensive restaurants or stay in fancy hotels. But the good news is that you can live a comfortable life in a smaller city if you’re willing to make the effort. Profitable freelance writing may not be everything you’re looking for in a career, but it’s a promising option if you want to avoid living in a small town with no amenities.


You may not need to have a degree in computer science to be a successful freelance writer these days, but having some familiarity with technology will certainly help you establish a stronger connection with your audience and enhance your ability to create compelling content.

If you’re looking for a job that doesn’t require a lot of technical know-how, consider taking a look at our list of the best online degrees for beginners. Most of these programs don’t require any sort of formal education and can be accomplished through online coursework and independent study.


If you’re looking for a way to make extra cash, you don’t have to settle for one option in life; you can be a freelance writer and provide content to multiple publications. Jobs like these don’t exist in a traditional fashion; rather, you’ll often find them via an online job board or even applying directly to the publication for which you provide content.

The beauty of this profession is that you’re not tethered to any one company or product; you can work one month for a wellness website and the next for a technology publication. The flexibility in this field is unparalleled, and it can allow you to better support your life and career goals. Think of the money you’ll save by not having to rely on a traditional salaried job!

The Demand For Blogging Services

Blogging is popular, and businesses and brands want to be able to reach a wide audience. If you’re looking to make money off your blog, you can take advantage of this demand by providing content for various platforms and businesses.

If your niche is business-related content or you’ve established yourself as an expert in your industry, you can take advantage of the demand and build a profitable blogging business. On the other hand, if you’re looking to make money from blogging, it’s best to be generalist and create content that’s more readily available for several platforms.

How Many Articles Do You Need To Publish To Break Even?

If you’re looking to break even as a freelancer, you’ll need to produce enough content to generate enough revenue to compensate for your expenses. To do this, consider carefully examining your costs. Are you renting a studio apartment in Brooklyn? Do you need to buy a new desk? How much does your internet connection cost you per month?

Once you’re able to answer these questions, it’s easier to determine how much content you need to produce to bring in a profit. Remember: you’re not only competing for customers, you’re also competing for content creators. So, being the best means you can be better than your competitors, which in turn, will make you more attractive to potential clients.

How Do You Plan On Raising Money To Start Your Business?

If you’re looking for a way to make extra cash, consider taking a look at our list of the best credit cards for freelance writers and photographers. Many of these cards offer cash back on selected purchases and travel fee waivers if you meet the right criteria. Some also have promotional gifts available to card holders. These credit cards can help you improve your financial situation quickly and easily.

Do You Need To Study Journalism To Become A Successful Freelance Writer?

If you want to become a successful freelance writer, you don’t necessarily need to go to journalism school. But doing so can certainly help you establish yourself in the industry and gain the experience that’ll make you more valuable as a writer.

If you’re looking for a way to make extra cash, consider taking a look at our list of the best online degrees for beginners. Most of these programs don’t require any sort of formal education and can be accomplished through online coursework and independent study.