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How Much Is Does Brand Copywriting Cost?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions in my line of work. Some clients ask me how much does it cost to have a complete commercial copywriting program designed for their brand. Others want to know how much it would cost them to come up with unique and compelling copy for their websites, emails, and other marketing materials.

The answer to the first question is quite a bit. Depending on the size of your company, how you want to see the world, and the level of professionalism you desire, the cost can vary from a couple thousand dollars to several hundred thousand dollars or more. Let’s work through this together.

The Difference In Strategy

When you’re first asked how much copywriting costs, the natural reaction is to want to know how much it costs to have a whole department of people sitting around writing ad copy. That’s what most people think when they hear the words “brand copywriting.” But that’s only half the answer. The other half is how much it costs to have a specialized, cohesive group of copywriters who know how to craft compelling messages for your brand.

To have a successful branding effort, you need a strategic plan that blends marketing, advertising, and sales. You also need to select a brand voice and style that are in keeping with your company’s goals and objectives. You should pick a team of writers who have the ability to draft compelling messages and have the gravitas that comes from having your brand name behind their copy. Finally, you need to be sure that you’re working with an agency that is experienced and equipped to handle your branding project.

The Difference In Execution

When you have a clear idea of how much the strategy part costs, you can calculate the cost of the execution. This is the part that involves coming up with the ads, web content, and other marketing materials. Your ads could be radio spots, magazine spreads, billboards, or commercials. Websites might be eCommerce stores, blogs, or social media. The important thing is that you’ve laid the groundwork for a coherent and compelling strategy that makes sense to your target audience.

Since strategy is crucial, you want to ensure that you’re spending your money ethically. Make sure that you’re paying for the best strategies and that you’re getting value for your money. You don’t want to be throwing your cash away on cheap strategies that don’t deliver.

Other Considerations

Once you have a general idea of how much your strategy costs, you need to think about a few other things. How much does it cost to train new employees? What is the support and maintenance cost of your existing copywriters? How much does it cost to keep your competitors busy trying to copy your work?

These questions are all part of the cost analysis that you need to run if you want to get a feel for how much your strategy will cost. Once you know that, you can make an informed decision as to whether or not it’s worth pursuing. Is there enough of a market to make it worth your time and effort? Is the value you’re going to get from the strategy you’re considering sufficient to justify the cost? Don’t forget about these questions, and don’t hesitate to ask for clarification if you’re not sure what the right answer is. Doing a cost analysis is an essential part of any brand strategy, and it will help you make the right decision about whether or not to invest in a comprehensive copywriting program for your brand.

Now that you have a better understanding of what brand copywriting is and how much it costs, you can decide whether or not to pursue this route for your brand, company, or marketing campaign. Keep in mind that the answer may change depending on what you want to achieve and the target audience you’re aiming for. As always, cost is only one factor. Your goal should be to work with a copywriter who can provide the best value for your money.