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How Much Does a Creative Writing Professor Make Compared to Engineering?

Many people dream of being a writer, but few know exactly what it means to be a creative writing professor. It takes a special kind of person to navigate the waters of creative writing, and once you enter the field, it can be difficult to even know where to begin your career. Fortunately, you can pursue your passion for art and literature, and land a salaried position teaching creative writing at an accredited university. You will not be short of opportunities, as the global economy opens up more and more professions to freelancers and independent contractors. However, not all writers are created equal, and knowing the basics of how to write an effective query letter can prove invaluable in your quest for literary fame. You will also need to prepare for the GRE, Graduate Record Examination, to get into a graduate program in English, so let’s take a quick look at how much a creative writing professor makes compared to an engineer.

A Comparable Career

If you have a genuine interest in becoming a writer, you can pursue a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, and begin your career as a professor of creative writing. Most graduate schools will offer you a comprehensive curriculum that will prepare you for a successful teaching career, and with any luck, you will also publish some impressive works that will draw the attention of publishers and agents. If you are interested in pursuing a more traditional academic career, you can opt for a combined Bachelors in Computer Science and Mathematics, with a minor in English. You will need to complete a Master’s degree in Computer Science, and with any luck, you can begin your career as a professor of computer science. Your first job will be comparable to a creative writing professor’s, and you will need to find the similarity in title to convince your prospective employers that you are worth the investment. Knowing the right words will definitely help, but so will a good salary and benefits package.

More Than Twice As Much Money

If you are looking for more than just a comparable salary, you should consider teaching English abroad. There is a steady supply of native English speakers looking for teaching jobs in other countries, and you can take advantage of this fact by teaching an online English course for University of London Worldwide. You will be teaching English as a second language, which will add an extra element of fun to your stay, and you can use native English speakers as your teaching assistants. In addition to making more than twice as much money as an engineer does, you will also be helping the students to improve their English skills, and helping to develop their cultural awareness. You can also become a Teaching Assistant for an English Language Learner for native English speakers, and gain valuable experience that could prove to be invaluable in the future. If you are looking for an extra source of income, you could also consider copywriting for websites or blogs, or even starting your own website to monetize your creative writing skills.

More Than Three Times As Much Leverage

Even if you are just looking for a comparable salary, you can still opt to teach English as a second language. There is a wealth of online ESL job opportunities, and with some research you will definitely be able to find one that suits you perfectly. Just remember to put your best foot forward, showcase your skills, and secure the job before you rush into any kind of commitment. As a general rule, you should expect a 30% pay rise for volunteering your services, and if you are looking for extra leverage, you could consider looking for a part-time job while you are still a student. Most universities will grant you full-time employment after you graduate, so you will not be short of options.

More Than Four Times As Much Prestige

If you want to put your writing abilities to the test, you can join online writing communities such as ClickWriters and WritersVine, where you can find forums, chatrooms, and blogs where you can show off your work, and gain valuable feedback from other writers. You can also consider taking online literature courses with some of the top-tier universities in the world, like NYU, Harvard, or Stanford, which will equip you with the critical thinking and analysis skills required to become a successful creative writing professor. If prestige is what you are after, you could consider going the extra mile and applying for a high-ranking fellowship at a prominent university. You will sail through the application process, and with any luck, you will be rewarded with a high-profile professorship at one of the most reputable universities in the world.

Only Half As Much Stress

If you want to write, you should not feel bad about pursuing your passion for art and literature. There is a wealth of jobs in the field, and the outlook for writers and creative writers is certainly positive. You will not be short of work, as long as you have a genuine interest in becoming a published author. Teaching English as a second language does come with its stresses, as you will be responsible for helping students to achieve their full potential, and maintain high standards. However, you will certainly find the stressors are of a manageable nature, and just a small part of the overall picture.

If you are interested in becoming a writer, you should definitely look into the above-mentioned professions, as they will undoubtedly serve you well in the quest for literary fame and fortune. Just remember to have fun while you are teaching, and ensure that your students have a good experience. You will not be short of opportunities, as long as you have a genuine interest in becoming a creative writing professor.