The demand for content creators is on the rise. Many businesses are looking for people to write content on their behalf. Some of them even pay you to do it.
You might be wondering how much you can charge for the content you create. Is it worth it to become a freelance writer? How much do you make per article? How much can you charge per week? How much does it cost to live in a good area?
The Ultimate Guide to Pricing
If you’re new to the idea of being a freelance writer, it can be a little nerve-wracking to ask how much you should charge for an article. After all, this is your money and you’re the person who’s going to have to live with what you make. This is why we’ve put together this guide to help you make sense of what is a lucrative path and what isn’t for aspiring content creators. It’s time to take out your notebook and get to work.
The Rise Of Online Freelancing
With the rise of online freelancing, the game has changed. Long gone are the days when you would pen an article and have it published in a newspaper. Instead, with sites like Upwork, you can now connect with clients from all over the world and get the content you create published. Suddenly, there’s a global market for your talents.
Freelancing isn’t just limited to writing. With so many platforms making it easier for businesses to discover talented individuals, you can now offer your services as a marketer, copywriter, or social media influencer. For marketers, you can create marketing material like email templates, landing pages, and social media posts; for copywriters, you can take on any type of project; and for influencers, you can help them grow their platforms and develop their brand.
The Demand for Your Skills
If you’re a talented writer who happens to be located in the United Kingdom, for instance, you might find yourself competing for jobs with thousands of other writers. That’s because the UK has one of the most competitive job markets in the world. According to the Office for National Statistics, nearly one-quarter (23 percent) of the UK workforce are currently freelancing. While this number is slightly higher than the EU average of 22 percent, it still demonstrates how easily your skills can be snatched up. In fact, outside of the United States, the United Kingdom is the second most popular country for freelancing after Kuwait.
With more and more businesses moving to online spaces, the demand for content creators is thriving. What’s more is many big businesses are turning to outside resources to help them generate innovative content. If you can become a popular commodity in a highly sought-after market, the opportunities for you are practically limitless.
Making Sense of the Numbers
When you’re first starting out as a freelance writer, it can be difficult to grasp what is a lucrative path and what isn’t. To help you make sense of this, we’ve compiled a list of key points to consider before committing to the freelance lifestyle.
Your Level Of Flexibility
One of the things that makes freelancing such an attractive career option is the level of flexibility it affords you. Most people in salaried roles have sets of hours that they must work within. You, on the other hand, can choose when you want to work and can take on as much or as little work as you can handle. This gives you the potential to work someplace you like, someplace you’re comfortable, and even someplace you find interesting.
This level of flexibility, however, comes with its downsides. Since you have no set schedule, you’ll have to be willing to work when others aren’t looking for you to be available. This could mean that you’ll have to settle for lower paying opportunities or take on more work than you can handle. Knowing when to say no to projects can be difficult, especially when you’re trying to establish yourself as a freelancer. This is why it’s important to be mindful of your level of flexibility when deciding whether or not to pursue this path. It’s also important to realize that while you may be able to find short-term work as a freelance writer, establishing yourself as a well-known commodity takes time.
Your Experience
While it’s still relatively new and there aren’t many concrete numbers to go on, it’s safe to assume that more and more people are turning to freelance writing as an additional source of income. What’s more is many big businesses are looking to talented individuals to help them innovate and create content for the digital age. With more and more people pursuing this path, you’ll most likely find it difficult to get work without some kind of experience. The good news is there are plenty of opportunities for you to gain experience if you’re willing to look for them. After all, getting published isn’t as difficult as you’d think and there are plenty of platforms out there that will allow you to get your work out there for the world to see.
What Type Of Work Do You Do?
This is a question you need to ask yourself. Are you the kind of person who likes to get out and about, experiencing new things, and being able to travel the world? Or do you prefer staying at home, working on your laptop, and gaining more experience? There are a lot of pros and cons to both worlds and it’s important to make the right choice for you.
Where Do You Get Your Funding?
Another question you need to ask yourself is where do you get your funding. There are plenty of options available including credit cards, bank loans, and even wealthy individuals who wish to remain anonymous. If you’re worried about funding, there are plenty of opportunities for you to get some. What’s important is that you find the right source of finance for you and your personal circumstances. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to funding as every situation is different and you should find the solution that works best for you.
How Bad Do You Want It?
Finally, it’s important to ask yourself how badly you want it. In most cases, people who decide to go the freelance writing route do so because they want it badly enough. While it can be a lucrative opportunity, it’s still a choice that comes with its downsides. Since you’ll be working on your own terms, it’s important to be mindful of your motivations. The good news is there are plenty of opportunities for you to make money quickly. If you decide that this is what you want, go for it. Just make sure you’re willing to put in the work to get there.
At the end of the day, nothing is going to change if you don’t want it to. As long as you’re comfortable with who you are and you have the skills to back it up, you can create a flexible schedule, get paid what you’re worth, and work remotely from anywhere in the world.