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Online Writing Jobs: How Much Do They Pay?

If you’re looking for a fresh start in life or just want to be able to pay the bills, you could do worse than opting for an online writing job. Earning potential is high, deadlines are regular, and there’s a wide variety of work to choose from. Check out the following information about online writing jobs, including the average pay, how to get started, and more.

Average Pay

Depending on the company, the pay ranges from a high of $16,000 per year to a low of $7.25 per hour. If you’re applying for a job that’s part time or online only, the pay could be higher. Some companies forgo paying employees at all, opting instead to provide generous benefits and offer additional training and development opportunities. While the average wage may seem quite high, bear in mind that you’ll be doing quite a bit of work for free. Most companies won’t even consider taking on new writers, particularly if you already have a proven track record. You may not get paid for the first few months, or even until the end of the year, but you will eventually be compensated for your efforts. Some companies offer a significant signing bonus, as well.

How To Get Started

If you’re looking to get started as a writer, the first thing you should do is to get a proper writing instrument. There are plenty of fantastic sub-stylos out there that will allow you to develop your handwriting and make your work look more professional. After that, you should become a member of organizations such as the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA). This will allow you to network with other journalists and writers, as well as expose you to new opportunities. Next, you should decide how much experience you have. Do you have any previous writing experiences under your belt? Are you a former blogger who has now decided to pick up a pen and paper? Or perhaps you’ve been a professional journalist for several years and are looking for a change. Most importantly, think about the types of pieces you enjoy writing. From personal stories about overcoming adversity to how-to guides offering advice on cooking certain dishes, there will be plenty of work to choose from. The key is to find a niche and build a portfolio of successful pieces before you start applying for jobs.

Variety Of Work

Depending on your preferred genre, you will be able to find work that matches your interests. For example, if you’re an adventure writer, you could look into jobs that fall under the fantasy category. Or if you have a keen interest in history, you could target jobs that focus on ancient civilizations or World War II. Many companies prefer to work with established freelance writers. Still, it’s never a bad idea to try and pitch yourself for jobs that you feel confident you could write. After all, that’s what will land you the gig in the first place.


Deadlines are rather common in online writing jobs. The frequency will depend on the project, but you will certainly be expected to submit your work on a regular basis. If you’re new to the industry, try and establish a bit of a routine. Know when your last deadline is, and work hard to meet that deadline. Even if you’re not paid until the project is complete, you will still be able to use the deadline to your advantage. Pro-active writers will often seek out work that has strict deadlines, as it allows them to plan out their work schedule. It’s not always easy to find a balance between your responsibilities at home and work, but you can do so with the right planning. Establishing a working routine before you begin will make a massive difference. Write some hours every week, and see how much more you can get done when you set aside a specific block of time each week.

No Experience Necessary

Whether you have five years of experience or zero, you will always be able to find work in the industry. With so much competition, it’s always good to have a differentiator. While there are certain criteria an employer will look for in a writer, experience isn’t one of them. As we’ve established, you don’t need any previous experience to get started as a writer. The only thing you need is the willingness to learn. The best thing about online writing jobs is the fact that no experience is necessary. You don’t need a formal education to get started, and you don’t need to go through any sort of training program to be able to do the job effectively. All you need is a computer and a willingness to learn.

The Only Thing Standing In The Way Of You Making Money Online Is You

This industry will challenge you mentally, as you will be required to write regularly and consistently perform at a high level. Still, the only thing standing in the way of you making money online is you. Ultimately, you will be responsible for your own success or failure. It’s never easy to take on a new challenge, but the opportunity to make money online is something you shouldn’t miss out on.