Sanilac, MI – A proud supporter of the 4H Clubs nationwide, we are very excited to offer a creative writing for Sanilac 4H competition! If you’re reading this, you’re already way ahead of the game!
Looking to take your writing skills to the next level? Are you a current 4H Club member interested in competing in this year’s writing competition?
We would like to encourage you to enter the creative writing competition, but we also want to help you improve your craft. That’s why we’ve teamed up with our friends at Inspiration Tales to offer you some expert tips on writing a winning essay!
In 2018, students across the United States will be participating in a 4H Club-sponsored creative writing competition where they will have the opportunity to win great prizes, connect with potential employers, and earn extra-credit for their schools.
With a little bit of help from our good friend, Inspiration Tales, you will be able to write a winning essay that will earn you a spot in the 2019 Sanilac County 4H Creative Writing for Sanilac 4H Competition.
Here are some essentials you will need to know to write a winning essay
The Essay Forms Are Available
One of the most important things you should do before you begin writing is to familiarize yourself with the various essay forms that will be accepted by the judging panel. Without familiarizing yourself with these forms, you may find yourself struggling to write a winning piece because you will be unable to choose the right one. Even if you do end up choosing the right form, you will still need to adhere to the proper guidelines in order to craft a winning essay.
To make things easier for you, we have gone ahead and compiled a complete list of the various essay forms that will be accepted by the judging panel. You can check it out below.
The Title Of Your Essay Must End With A Dash
Believe it or not, the title of your essay is one of the most important parts because it will determine the overall structure and theme of your piece. Having a clear title for your essay will help you to write the right piece because it will give you a good idea of what kind of content you should include in your paper. Also, titles that end with a dash are extremely handy because they make your essay more accessible to the general public. As a general rule of thumb, end each title of your essay with a dash.
Thought-Provoking Topics
Another critical aspect of an excellent essay is the ability to provoke thoughts and ideas in the reader. To achieve this goal, you must choose a topic that is both intriguing and relevant to today’s society. If you can pull this off, your essay will be considered among the best of the best.
As you might imagine, it’s a bit more difficult to pick a thought-provoking topic than it is to come up with a topic that will make your flesh creep. Nevertheless, it’s a necessary evil because if you want your essay to be considered excellent, it needs to stand out above the rest. While picking a creepy topic may result in you unearthing some fantastic stories, the odds of your essay being selected for a magazine are pretty low. But fear not! All is not lost because there are numerous ways you can choose a topic that will provoke wonderful ideas, thoughts, and emotions!
More Than One Author Is Often Appreciated
Although the format of your essay will determine how much you are allowed to write, it does not mean that you should limit yourself to one source of writing. For maximum effect, your essay should contain material from more than one source. Inclusion of multiple sources helps to substantiate your claims and provide further evidence to support your arguments. The more authors you include, the better!
When using material from diverse sources, make sure that you cite the sources at the end of your paper. Letting your readers know where you got your material from will enhance their appreciation of your work. Inculcating respect for your fellow authors and their work is a crucial part of writing an excellent scholarly piece.
Make Sure To Include All The Necessary Details
Nowadays, people are more likely to be discouraged by the lack of details rather than complimented by them. As a result, it’s very important that you include all the necessary details when you write your essay. If you leave out even a single detail, your readers will lose interest and may even accuse you of being careless or untruthful. These are the kinds of accusations you do not want to incur!
Although there is no set formula for the amount of details you should include in your essay, you should aim to include as many specifics as possible. Too many details can sometimes be a bit much, and it is better to be under-inclusive rather than over-inclusive. You can always add more details as you progress through the writing process. Just make sure that you do not go in the opposite direction and eliminate any essential elements that may improve the cohesiveness of your piece.
The Judging Panel Is Composed Of Some Very Experienced Professionals
Last but not least, we would like to remind you that the judging panel for this year’s competition is composed of some very experienced professionals. Furthermore, they have been carefully selected to ensure that they will consider only your essay and not your entire portfolio or résumé. So, be sure to showcase your best work and leave out any unnecessary information.
Crafting an excellent essay is both difficult and exhilarating at the same time because it necessitates the use of your creative and critical thinking skills. Of course, there is a lot of trial and error along the way so do take heart in knowing that you are pursuing a skill that will serve you well for your entire career. Just remember to have fun while you work! If you keep this up, you will be able to write a winning essay in no time at all.