You probably already know how important it is to get the right words into an online survey. People are much less likely to fill out a survey that they find boring, or difficult to understand.
What you might not know, is that there is a completely different type of survey that can help you figure out what words and language people are using, and how they are using them. We’ll explain more.
The Different Types Of Survey
There are several different types of surveys. Some are very in-depth and require a lot of your time; others are more like focus groups where you can ask people questions and watch them interact with each other.
The important thing to keep in mind is that no matter what type of survey you are doing, you always want to use the right language, and be mindful of how you ask your questions.
The Importance Of Language
There is no getting around it; no matter what type of survey you are doing, your words and the way you ask your questions will determine how people respond. So it is critical to use the right words and phrasing, and to avoid anything that might make respondents want to walk away. In general, you want to use language that is simple, clear, and concise.
To give you an idea of how your words can affect the responses of your respondents, here are some common phrases that you should avoid, and why:
Negative Phrases
Negative phrases can either be your friend or your enemy when it comes to getting people to engage with your survey. The key is to figure out which one you want to work with, and how you want to use it. For example, if you are trying to understand the trends in technology and how people are using it, you might want to use a negative phrase in the question, such as:
“How many of you are using X tech device?”
“Do you use X tech device?”
“Do you think that X will be the next big thing?”
“What do you think about X?”
All of these questions have the same goal; to understand what people think about a particular topic. However, the way these questions are asked creates an entirely different feeling in the respondents’ minds. The first two questions are open-ended and allow the person answering to provide as much detail as needed. The last two questions are closer to being a demand for a response, and that is usually what you want to avoid.
Lurking Questions
An open-ended question is one that has no clear ending point. For example, if you asked people to name their favorite artists, you would not want to stop the survey at any point and have them provide additional information. You are better off leaving the survey open ended, so you can get as much detail as possible.
A lurking question, on the other hand, gives the respondent the feeling that you are trailing off, or thinking that what they are saying is not important. The respondent can almost certainly tell that you are asking a question just to fill up the blanks, and they will hate you for it. Instead of asking a series of questions that you think are important, try asking a question that implies you already know the answer, or that you want them to tell you.
Thought Questions
You can also try asking questions that require some thinking on their part. For example, if you are trying to explore the growing influence of millennials in the workplace, you might want to ask them about their perspective on this issue. You can also ask them what they think about organizational behavior and leadership styles. These types of questions demand some degree of thinking, and you can use that to your advantage.
Avoid Words That Might Cause Trouble
Try using words and phrases that are commonly used and easily understood. Avoid words and phrases that might cause trouble. For example, if you are exploring the growing influence of women in the workplace, use words and phrases such as “female,” “ladies,” and “women,” as these are easily understood by the respondents. Remember, you are exploring a variety of topics, and you do not want to bias your results to favor one particular area.
Use The Right Language
Never use slang words or phrases. Every word and phrase you use should be clear and concise. Remember, you are trying to find out what exactly people are thinking and feeling, not how you are feeling or what you are thinking. Use the right language, and you will get the right results.
Watch Out For Redundancy
Avoid asking the same question in two different ways. For example, if you are exploring the influence of social media on people’s self-image, you might want to ask someone to identify themselves via their social media accounts. However, you can also ask them to identify themselves via their email address, or phone number. Redundancy is never a good idea, and it never helps to ask the same question in two different ways. People have different ways of providing the same information, and you want to make sure that you are not forcing them to choose. Use different methods of identification, or provide a choice in how the respondent answers your question. This will help you get a better idea of how they actually feel, and not how you want them to feel.
Choosing the right words is not an easy task, but it is an essential one. Make sure that you are using the right language for the type of survey you are conducting. Make sure that the language you use is simple, yet effective. Make sure that you are not asking any questions that you know the answer to already. And make sure that you are using words that respondents will be able to understand, and will not find offensive or insulting. It is an important part of your job as a market researcher to choose the right words, and to make sure that your respondents feel comfortable enough to share their opinions with you.