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How to Talk to Someone Online at the Writing Center?

When you get stuck on what to write or how to format your paper, the Writing Center is there to help. Students can get valuable guidance from trained professionals via Live Chat and email.

But what if you want to talk to someone in person? Where should you go? How can you initiate a conversation? The answer to these questions is simple: you type “Hello” into Google and click on the first link that comes up.

This will take you to the Writing Center’s virtual reception desk where you can find someone to help you. You will not find a person behind the desk, but you will find automated “Hello,” “How may I help you?” and “Thank you for contacting us.” Now, you have to figure out what to say.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Be Confident

You can tell someone you are new to town via Google Messenger or Skype and gain some confidence by using these services. If you choose this method, you will need to tell the person you will be using this identity and have the courage to approach a complete stranger. You can gain courage by thinking of people you know in your area who might be able to help. For example, if you need to rent a video camera, you could ask someone who owns one or knows someone who does.

However, if you want to talk to someone specifically at the Writing Center, then you should find a way to get in touch with them before you even approach a stranger. This will make the process easier and less nerve-wracking. So, make sure you contact the person you need to talk to before you make the trip. If they are not available, then go to the next person on the list or continue searching until you find someone who can help you.

Start With Small Talk

If you are at a loss for words and do not know where to begin, then take some small talk. Ask the person you are talking to how their day is going and try to keep the conversation going. You can start by asking how their summer is going and then progress to asking about their families, friends, and other topics you find interesting.

If possible, have a few topics you want to discuss and stay focused on these topics. This will help build a strong connection with the person you are talking to and create a more comfortable atmosphere.

Speak From Your Heart

There is no replacement for good old-fashioned verbal communication. If you are stuck for words, then write down what you want to say and look for the right moment to say it. This method can work if you want to talk to someone about a specific topic, but it is generally a bad idea to randomly pick a conversation partner via the Internet. You should use your best judgment and only do this if you absolutely have to.

For example, if you need help with a certain paper or have a specific topic you want to discuss, then this may be a good option. Otherwise, you should avoid doing this because you will sound unnatural and might put the person you are talking to on edge. If you have a heart-to-heart conversation with this person, then nothing else matters, but for the love of God, be natural.

Research Is Important

If you want to research a particular topic before you start talking about it, then do so! You can take a look at some of our resources, such as encyclopedias, handbooks, and wikis, to find the information you need for your paper or speech. If you did not do your research, then you will sound ignorant and might even come off as disrespectful. So, make sure you do some research before you begin talking about a topic you know little about.

Take Your Time

It is never easy to find the right person to talk to, especially when you do not know them personally. You should not rush into making a decision because you do not want to keep the conversation going any longer than necessary. Instead, take your time and do your research. Once you have found a few good candidates, then you can narrow your choices down to two or three and then you can contact them via email. For best results, you should schedule a time to meet in person to talk through the issues you are facing.

Above all, make sure you are not wasting anyone’s time and that you are not disrespectful or annoying. You can find good advice and examples of how to interact online and in person, so do not be afraid to try these out and see how they work. Remember, everyone is not necessarily a good match and you should not feel bad if the person you end up talking to does not seem right. The point is to find the person who can best help you and have fun while doing so.