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How to Get an Eight Year Old to Love Writing

Children are often considered the future of the world. With more people delaying having children, the world is increasingly populated by young adults. This demographic is more conscious of the environment and has more adult supervision, which makes them better drivers and more likely to contribute to society as a whole. 

While this may be true, it can also cause tension in family relationships when children have a different relationship with nature or want to spend more time playing video games than their parents do. For whatever reason, having children doesn’t mean that your kid will automatically grow up to be a perfect angel. There will be times when they want nothing more than to sink into an animated film or push the limits with their electronics. This doesn’t make them bad or good, it just means they’re a normal kid who needs some guidance.

If you’re looking to get your child to embrace a more eco-friendly, animal-friendly and sustainable way of living, they may not be the most natural choice when it comes to writing. After all, writing is considered a ‘grown-up’ activity and children are often seen as more of a distraction than an asset in the classroom. This couldn’t be further from the truth. There are plenty of ways to get your child interested in writing, and it doesn’t have to be something that they struggle with.

Start From Scratch

If you’re new to the idea of teaching your child to write, it can be a little overwhelming figuring out where to begin. For starters, you don’t need any special equipment to go with it. You can literally start from scratch and build up from there. Begin by having your child sit at a table with a notebook and a pencil. If they have a laptop, even better! Invite a friend over to help them practice their writing skills. If you’re feeling extra creative, grab a marker and some paper plates to act as ghosts or goblins. That way, you can encourage them to write their names and spells while having some fun with an adult helper. Plus, it’s a great way for them to develop their fine motor skills.

Once you’ve gotten their attention, it’s time to teach them the alphabet. Most kids will struggle with phonetics at first, so you may have to spend some time working on this. Begin by showing them how to write their names properly and then work your way through the alphabet. Once they can write their ABC’s, transition to more complicated words. Use a combination of letters and sounds to form words and phrases such as ‘cookie monster’, ‘computer programming’, or ‘elephant bird’. You can also ask a librarian to help you find children’s books that start with each letter of the alphabet and introduce your child to a new world of words.

Encouraging a love for reading isn’t a bad idea either. You could start by taking them to the library with you or ordering a bunch of books from the Indie graphic novel store. Many libraries will even get a hold of books specifically designed for younger readers. If your local library doesn’t have any books that they deem appropriate, ask them to get in touch with the Indie store you purchased the comics from. They may have a special children’s section with the latest bestselling children’s books. This is a great way to expose your child to new genres of books they might not have read before. It also helps them develop an understanding of different viewpoints and how to critically analyze what they read. 

Take A Little At A Time

When it comes to kids and learning, everybody’s definition of ‘at a time’ differs. Some kids may want to try a new subject or a new way of learning in one go, while others may need more time to process what they’ve learned. Don’t expect your eight year old to suddenly become interested in history or math just because you’ve decided they should be interested in writing. This is a decision you’ll have to make as a parent, and it’s something you shouldn’t rush. The only way to ensure your child gets the most out of school is by being their absolute best advocate. This means being supportive of their interests, proactive in finding resources and helping them to understand what is being taught, and most importantly, being aware of how they are performing academically. Going back to the beginning, you’ve already started down the road to educating your kid on how to write. Keep doing what you’re doing and eventually, your child will love writing as much as you do.