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How Do the Classmates Learn to Trust Each Other? How Does Reading and Writing Initiate This Change?

When students enter a reputable university, they are typically excited about learning new things and meeting new people. However, eventually, they may begin to ask questions about their classmates. How do these new friends learn to trust each other? What role does reading and writing play in this development?

In order to address these questions, one must have an understanding of how friendships form in the first place. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss the various steps that take place from the very first day of university life to the development of true friendship.

Step one: Orientation programmes

The first day of university can be quite nerve-wracking for both the new students and their parents. After all, they have just completed their school years and are finally going to meet their college mates. However, the nervousness soon disappears as they start to socialise with their new environment. This is mainly thanks to the orientation programmes that take place at the start of the university year.

These orientation programmes are basically workshops that acquaint new students with their nearest academic and administrative staff, as well as the regulations and customs of the university. One of the most valuable functions of these sessions is that they allow the students to make connections with their fellow classmates. Many universities hold class reunions at the beginning of the year, which permit former students to get to know each other better. These are often fun events and provide an excellent opportunity for students to make lasting friendships.

Step two: Freshman year

After completing their orientation programmes, students enter their freshman year. During this year, they will develop a stronger bond with their classmates, as they work together towards common goals. One of the most prominent of these goals is to pass their exams with good grades, as this will lead them to enjoy higher levels of academic freedom.

Many universities host career evenings, during which graduates can showcase their skills and knowledge to prospective employers. This is also a good opportunity for students to develop their professional networks and find jobs in their chosen field.

Step three: Sophomore year

The sophomore year begins when students reach their physical peak. Therefore, they should expect to spend a lot of time in the gym and on their meals. However, even during this phase of their lives, their relationships with their classmates will continue to grow stronger. One of the most prominent ways in which they do this is through class discussions. During these sessions, students will exchange ideas, debate topics, and question one another. This exchange of ideas and information serves to build understanding and trust between classmates.

Throughout their freshman and sophomore years, students should continue to take ownership of their education. They should perform well in their classes and develop a good work ethic. Through these two years, students will learn how to be independent and take responsibility for their actions.

Step four: Junior year

During their junior year, students should expect to spend a lot of time studying. However, even during this phase of their lives, their relationship with their classmates will grow stronger. One of the most prominent ways in which they do this is through journaling. This is where students write about their lives, reflect on their studies, and process their feelings. Through these three years of university life, students will learn to think for themselves, challenge the status quo, and question their assumptions.

When students arrive at their senior year, they should have a clearer picture of who they are and what they want from their education. This is a good time to review the previous four years of their lives and, therefore, the progression of their friendships. Through these last two years, students will truly learn to trust their classmates and, in doing so, develop into functional and engaged members of society.

As a former student, you may feel nervous about meeting your former classmates, especially after such a long time had passed. However, your nervousness should disappear, as you begin to reflect on the positive changes that your friendships brought you. Through class discussions and interaction on social media, former students can stay connected to their old friends, while also making new ones.