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How to Learn Proper English Writing?

Is it hard to learn how to write properly in English? If you are looking for an easy way to become confident with your written English, then you have come to the right place. In this blog post, we will teach you how to write English in a way that will make your teachers proud!

The Basics Of English

To begin with, let’s discuss the basics of English. To do this, we will use the verb to be as an example:

  • I am
  • You are
  • He/she/it is
  • We are
  • You are
  • They are

If you want to write English correctly, then you need to use the correct grammar and spelling. The first step is to identify the subject of your sentence. This is the person or thing that you are referring to. The second step is to decide whether you want to use the singular or the plural form of the verb.

The following sentences are all grammatically correct but use incorrect English:

  • The book is great. / The books are great.
  • My friend is awesome. / My friends are awesome.
  • What he said made perfect sense. / What they said made perfect sense.
  • The sun is setting. / It is setting.

As you can see, all of these sentences start with the same subject: the book, the sun, or my/your/their friend. When we use a singular noun or a singular verb to start a sentence, then we usually want to use the singular verb form. For example, if we want to talk about the book, then we should use the verb to be (am, are, was, were, etc.) in the singular to indicate that it is a single item.

However, if we want to talk about my/your/their friend, then we should use the plural verb form. In these cases, we will use the verb to be (are, was, are, were, etc.) in the plural to refer to more than one person or thing.

Learn The Vocabulary

Once you know the subject and the singular/plural distinction, you can move on to the next step: learning the vocabulary. English is known for its large vocabulary and advanced grammar, making it a difficult language to learn. To ensure that you master the language, you need to take the time to learn the appropriate words and their meaning. In English, you will find many words that you have not seen before, meaning that you will need to learn them. However, once you have mastered these words, you will see them everywhere, making vocabulary memorization much easier.

Learn The Grammar

Grammar is rules that govern how we use language, such as how to form sentences or how to use prepositions. In English, grammar is extremely important, as we try to avoid many mistakes that may cause us to sound vulgar or uneducated. To avoid these mistakes, you need to learn the correct grammar and the patterns that the majority of people make. Once you know the correct grammar, the patterns will become much easier to understand and apply.

How Do You Form The Correct Sentence?

Although English is a very complicated language, you will find that there are only a few basic steps to follow when forming a sentence. To form a sentence in English, start with a subject and a verb.

The subject should be a person or thing that you are referring to. For example, let’s say that you are trying to write a letter to somebody. In English, you will need to use the subject, you, to refer to the person that you are writing the letter to. The verb is the word or phrase that you want to use to express your thought or feeling. In our example, we will use the verb to be.

So, in this case, the correct sentence would be: You are awesome. You wrote a beautiful book. or You are awesome. You wrote a great book. or You are awesome. You wrote books. (Or, if you are speaking, you can just say: You are awesome.)

Learn Vocabulary And Grammar Together

As we mentioned above, English is a very large language, which makes it difficult to learn. To make matter worse, people often teach students English as a separate subject, which makes it even more difficult to learn. To make matters worse, many people believe that you can learn English grammar without even learning words, which is far from true. To ensure that you master English, it is important to learn the words as well as the grammar. In fact, many students find that studying vocabulary and grammar together helps them remember the language better.

When To Use Which Verb?

As you may have guessed, there is more than one way to form a sentence in English. In the above example, we used the verb to be as the main verb of the sentence. However, there are other verbs that you can use. In some cases, you even need to use a participle instead of a verb. Let’s look at some examples:

  • The book is great. / The books are great.
  • My friend is awesome. / My friends are awesome.
  • What he said made perfect sense. / What they said made perfect sense.
  • The sun is setting. / It is setting.

In the first example, we used the singular noun – the book – to refer to a single item. In this case, we used the verb to be. However, in the second and third example, we used the plural noun – my/your/their friend – to refer to more than one person or thing. In these cases, we used the verb to be. As you can see, it is important to always look at the subject of the sentence and determine what type of verb should be used. In the first two examples, we used the verb to be, as we wanted to emphasize that the item or person was great. However, in the third example, we used the verb to be (were, had, or has) to indicate a past action. In all of these cases, the grammar and vocabulary were appropriate.

Common Mistakes

There are several mistakes that you may make while learning English. One of the biggest is using the word can instead of can’t. As we discussed above, English is a very large language, which makes it difficult to learn. Many students make this mistake, as they think that they can use the singular can to refer to a single person or thing. However, this is incorrect. In fact, the word can can only be used in the plural. In the following example, you can see how this mistake can trip you up:

  • You can’t come with us/with us to the park. / We can’t come with you to the park.
  • He/she/it can’t come with us. / We can’t come with him/her/it.

If you want to indicate a single person or thing, then you need to use the word can followed by a singular noun: You can’t come with us. However, if you want to indicate more than one person or thing, then you should use the word can followed by a plural noun: You can’t come with us. In these cases, the grammar and vocabulary were correct but the mistake was in the verb.

Final Thought

Learning how to write English properly is not as difficult as you might think, but it is certainly not easy. To ensure that you master the language, you need to take the time to learn the proper grammar and the patterns that most people make. Once you know these, the language will be much easier to understand and use. Of course, if you follow our advice above, you will find that it is not that difficult to learn at all! Good luck out there.