I want to tell you about my experience as a hearing person who is learning to
write for people who are deaf. This is not an easy task, and it requires
patience and constant dedication. I would like to assume that you, the
reader, are either a student or an aspiring student who is interested in
writing, and I hope that my story will pique your interest in becoming an
author. You can apply what you learn here to any niche, as long as you put
in the necessary effort.
Why Are There So Few Deaf Authors?
There are several theories as to why there are so few
deaf authors. One of the most prominent theories is that most deaf
people can’t spell. When you have to think about what you’re saying
loudly, you have to find a way to spell it correctly. This can
be extremely difficult, as loud noises often cause spelling errors. Due
to this, most deaf people can’t spell, and thus, can’t write. This
theory seems plausible, as it’s been a while since I’ve heard of any
deaf author who can spell. The lack of deaf authors can also be attributed
to another theory: Most deaf people are not interested in reading. This,
of course, is not true. Many deaf people are interested in books and have
families who read to them. The theory behind this statement is that
most deaf people who could write don’t, because they don’t see the benefit. This,
however, does not seem plausible, as deaf authors can often be found
published online, despite there being few or no offline venues available
to them. This, I think, proves that there must be another reason why there are
so few deaf authors.
How Can I Help?
If you’re determined to become a writer, the first
thing you should do is find a way to express yourself in
writing. No matter what you write, you need to find a way to
spell it correctly. This is an easy task if you are writing
in English, as there are usually a few options for each letter. In most
cases, you’ll just have to choose between two words that mean the
same thing. For example, if you want to write about a barking dog,
you’ll have to come up with some creative spelling for the
word ‘bark’. In some instances, you’ll have to create
your own word, as was the case with my first book. In
that instance, I had to come up with a word that meant
‘fame’—but spelled ‘fam’—so that my
publishers would have enough copies printed.
Find Your Niche
It’s important to find a theme or topic that
you can develop into a niche. For example, if you
enjoy cooking, you could write a food blog for
tastesome.com. Or if you enjoy knitting, you
could write a blog on knitting techniques for
fashion-related websites.
By developing a niche, you are identifying a specific group of people who
can engage with your content. Your niche will be the group of people who
have a shared interest in your topic, and it’s a fast and easy way to
establish credibility. Niche-building, as it’s called, can be a very
time-consuming process, but in the long run, it will prove to be
extremely beneficial. Once you find your niche, you can start developing
content that will appeal to that group of people.
Take Classes
If you’re serious about becoming a writer,
it’s important to go the extra mile and take
classes. There are several places that you can
take online classes to improve your writing
skills and knowledge. My own
recommendation is that you take a look at
Writer’s Bootcamp, as it’s a place where you can learn to
write from experienced teachers who can guide you through
the whole process. You can also audit my
Creative Writing
class, which is a part of the International
University‘s online degree
program. You’ll learn to craft fiction
from a practical perspective. You’ll get
to work with short stories, as well as develop
characters, plot, and themes for your
own writing.
Join A Society
If you’re a member of a writers’
society, you’re in good company. Meetings with other
writers are an excellent way to learn, as it’s
often said that two heads are better than one. You
can also get to meet professional authors and
learn from their mistakes. Professional
societies, like
The Academy of American Poets
The American Literary Society,
often hold annual meetings, as well as
monthly meetings where members can
get together to discuss their work and
find one another’s support. In this way, you can
make valuable connections that can help you
further your career.
Take Advantage Of Online Communities
The internet is a huge, sprawling
jungle of information, and without
a sense of direction, it’s easy for us
humans to get swallowed up in it. Luckily,
there are places on the internet where
you can find clarity and direction, namely
Reddit and
Shared. If you’re looking to
learn to write, you can find communities
of writers there, as well as active
participants in other areas of interest, who
can offer advice and guidance on
your quest to become a professional
To conclude this section, I’d like to reiterate
the importance of finding a way to
spell correctly. If you’re determined to
become a writer, you should find a way to
write about something that you’re passionate
about. After that, it’s all about
practicing your craft and building your
connections. Good luck!