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How to Fit Writing into a Job

You have a prestigious job, a dream job even, and it comes with a fantastic salary, great perks, and unlimited potential. You jumped at the chance to apply for the job, and now you have to prove to the world that you are indeed the right person for the job. This is quite a balancing act, as you want to show the world that you are capable and dedicated, but you also need to fit writing into your schedule as a job. In this article, we will discuss how to fit writing into a job, how you can make the most of your schedule, and how to become the best writer you can be while working on a full-time basis. Let’s get started.

Make The Most Of Your Free Time

It is a common misconception that you have to write for the whole world to see your work. You have plenty of time to write in the evenings and on the weekends; in fact, there are some professionals who suggest you should write for at least an hour a day, regardless of what else is on your schedule. Before you start writing, take a break from your day job and put your thoughts on paper. You can work on a short story, novel, or screenplay. You choose what you will write, and you determine the quality of your work.

Choose The Right Place

The best place to write is in a quiet, comfortable place with good lighting and spacious surroundings. If you are in an office, you can set up a small kitchen area with a coffee machine, and put a comfortable chair where you can write in the early morning hours. If you live with your parents, you can ask them to clear some space in the living room for you to use as a writing room. You can also use the dining table. Just make sure there is enough light so you do not have to strain your eyes while writing. If you have a nice, sunny window, you can use it as an additional source of lighting. Remember to lock the outside doors so you do not disturb anyone while you are working. In extreme cases, you can ask your neighbor to watch your cat so she does not bother the other animals on your street.

Familiarize Yourself With The Industry

Novelists, short story writers, and playwrights often say that in order to become successful as a writer, you have to become familiar with the industry. The same can be said for journalists, screenwriters, and journalists. Familiarity with the industry will help you determine what works and what does not in your chosen field, and it will also give you the opportunity to build a knowledge base of skills and techniques used by professional writers. You can find courses and seminars on writing, film, and journalism throughout the year online, and through your chosen professional organizations. Attending these courses and seminars will help you become a better writer, and it will also show you what is expected of you in your field. Keep in mind though that some courses are expensive, and you may not be able to take them due to financial constraints.

Know Your Audience

You need to know who your audience is before you start writing. First, write down the demographics, consisting of age, gender, and location, of the people you hope will read your work. Look at the statistics for the country or area where you live, and write down the most common professions of the people in your neighborhood. If you live in a big city, you can use online tools to determine the most common demographics, and you can use your personal network, i.e. friends, family, coworkers, etc., to determine the most common professions.

Plan Your Schedule

Writing is subjective, so you do not have to write something everyone will like. The key is to write what you know, and what you feel. Your schedule should be flexible enough to allow you to fit writing into it. Be as efficient as possible; you have a full-time job, so you should not be wasting any of your time. Set up a daily schedule, and try to stick to it as closely as possible. If you know that you will need to visit the library or buy some books, do it on a Saturday so it does not disturb your schedule too much. Make sure to leave yourself enough time to write, as you do not want to rush it.

Take Breaks

You are human, so you will get tired of writing. Take breaks when you need them, and make sure to reward yourself for all that hard work by going for walks, going to the movies, or taking a vacation. It is not healthy to constantly be writing, and so it is not healthy to constantly be working. You need to take breaks so you can return to writing with a fresh outlook and a lot of energy.

Take Care Of Your Mental Wellbeing

You have a family, friends, and coworkers who care about you. One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to take care of your mental wellbeing. If you are feeling upset, frustrated, or down, do not forget that you have a lot to offer. Take a break from your work, focus on your breathing, and try to relax. If you need someone to talk to, you can discuss your work issues with your supervisor or counselor. If you need someone to listen, you can talk to your parents, siblings, or your best friend. Having someone to confide in is not a bad idea at all.

All in all, writing is a fantastic job. You will be improving your skills, gaining experience, and being able to provide a service that people need. You will not be bored, as there will always be new things to learn, and new opportunities to advance. Do not let anyone tell you that you cannot do something, because that is what they believe about themselves, not you. You are much more capable than you think you are, and so is every other writer out there. Write, and prosper!