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Home » How to Improve Your English Writing and Get a Better Job

How to Improve Your English Writing and Get a Better Job

If you’re looking for a new job, you’re in the right place. We’re going to teach you all about applying for that position, as well as everything you need to know about writing a resume and LinkedIn profile for that specific role. Let’s get started.

The Resume

When an employer reads your resume, they’ll quickly be able to tell you’re not a native English speaker. If your resume is full of spelling errors and careless sentence structures, they’ll assume you’re not an educated individual, making it very difficult to get the job. You can improve your chances of landing an otherwise unattainable job by proofreading and editing your resume before you send it out.

Your resume is your sales brochure. It’s a quick summary of your best skills and experience, as well as a list of references you can use if the opportunity arises for a call back. Your resume is your first impression, and in today’s world, that impression can be done via email, text, or even a Snapchat story.


LinkedIn is the professional’s résumé. It’s where employers go to find qualified candidates, and it’s full of invaluable insight for anyone looking for a new job. When an employer sees your LinkedIn profile, they’ll know you’re a skilled professional, even if your resume doesn’t paint the same picture. Similar to a resume, your LinkedIn profile can be edited and updated at any time.

Your LinkedIn profile is where you make your contacts, and it’s a great place to find potential job opportunities, connect with other professionals, and get advice on your job search. When an employer finds your LinkedIn profile, they’ll see your full name, email address, and bio, along with a few of your most recent jobs, any awards you’ve received, and a couple of sentences about yourself. Keep your LinkedIn profile current and tailored to the positions you’re applying for, and make sure to connect with relevant professionals, specifically in your industry. You can find an employer’s job page and see what skills they’re looking for, as well as apply for those jobs yourself.

Writing Tests

If you’re applying for a role that requires extensive writing, then you’ll need to undergo a writing test before the hiring process continues. A writing test is simply an assessment of your grammar, spelling, and style, and it can help you prove to an employer that you’re a valuable candidate for the role. If you’re fortunate enough to pass the test with flying colors, then the next step is an on-site interview, where you’ll have the chance to showcase your skills and experience, as well as prove to the employer that you’re the best candidate for the job. Hopefully, this was a helpful overview of how to improve your English writing, and get a better job.