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How to Become a Copywriter Without a Degree

I have a dream. And that dream is to become a freelance copywriter. I know what you are thinking. “A copywriter?! For who?” Well, let me tell you. I have written many articles for business owners who want to grow their business online. And guess what? I have never been rejected for an article! Not once. Not ever. The subject matter ranges from how to properly write a business plan to how to promote your business through digital marketing.

So, you want to become a copywriter? Great! Here is how you can start your freelance career.

Pick A Niche

The first step to becoming a copywriter is identifying a niche. Now, this is a slippery word. What does it really mean? It means that you have identified a small group of people (your target audience or “TA”) that you will focus your writing efforts on. For example, “seniors”, “parents”, “new graduates”, or “aspiring entrepreneurs”. By choosing a niche, you are narrowing your target audience and tailoring your pitch to meet their specific needs. When choosing a niche, it is important to consider how large the audience is, what their interests are, and what motivates them to action. You can also use niche research to discover more about your target audience.

Develop A Pitch

A good pitch is essential for any freelance writer. It is the tool that will get you started on your journey to becoming a copywriter. A pitch is essentially a short, standalone sales pitch, designed to hook a potential client into reading your full manuscript. Most pitches are around 300 words, according to Copyblogger. When drafting your pitch, take into consideration any style or tone that the client is most likely to respond to. Pitch masters say that the most successful pitches are those that sound like the voice of a friend, or a friend’s that you have known for a while. The trick is to convince the reader that you are the right person for the job, without coming across as being too pushy or trying to sell them something. When pitching, make sure to include relevant details about the subject matter, including references to other publications that you have written for. Pro-tip: Use an outline to help you generate ideas for your pitch. Outlining is very beneficial when creating a pitch, as it will help you keep your thoughts organized and make sure that you do not get lost in the details while drafting the document. You can also use the outline to track your progress and ensure that you do not forget anything important.

Get Some Editing Experience

Now, this is where things get tricky. The first step to becoming a copywriter is to gain some editing experience. This is actually one of the hardest steps to get. Most places that provide editing services will only allow you to do simple copyedits for free. To get real training as a copy editor, you have to pay for the privilege. However, this is a small price to pay for the benefit of becoming a better writer. Before you know it, those 300 words that you wrote will become a full-fledged, well-researched, easy-to-understand draft. A quality editor will help you make your writing much more effective and persuasive.

Find A Mentor

A mentor is someone who has more experience in the field than you do, and is willing to share it with you. A mentor can act as a guide, helping you to navigate your way through the process of becoming a copywriter. The most successful copywriters, bloggers, and social media strategists that I have worked with have all had a mentor. So, if you want to become a successful copywriter, start by finding a mentor.

Launch Your Freelance Career

Once you have found a niche that you feel passionate about, developed a pitch that you are proud of, and have some editing experience under your belt, it’s time to launch your freelance career. The first step to doing this is registering with reputable platforms such as Upwork, and Platforms such as these will allow you to connect with potential clients and get started on your journey to becoming a copywriter. Once you are connected with potential clients, it’s time to take advantage of this connection. Reach out to them and see what they are looking for. Once you have established yourself as a writer, you can add your portfolio piece and begin receiving assignments. From there, it’s just about growing your business and establishing yourself as an expert in your field.

As you can see, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to becoming a copywriter. Each step above requires a bit of a different strategy. However, with a little bit of work, dedication, and a whole lot of luck, you can become a successful copywriter. Once you have established yourself, you can look for other niches that you can write for. Or, you can even start your own blog on the subject matter that you are passionate about. The choice is yours.