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Home ยป 7 Designers Who Can Do Copywriting and Why You Should Hire Them

7 Designers Who Can Do Copywriting and Why You Should Hire Them

It is essential for a business to generate interest and drive traffic to its website. A business can do this using various methods such as SEO, pay per click advertising, and content marketing. While these methods can be effective, it can also be expensive to implement and maintain. For this reason, a business might consider outsourcing content creation to individuals who can provide value-adding content that will resonate with its target audience.

Designers can play a crucial role in helping business’s establish authority in their niche. When done right, effective content marketing can elevate a business’ online profile, drive sales, and form a solid foundation for future marketing content.

In this article, we will explore seven designers who can do copywriting and the specific skills each individual possesses that make them suitable for copywriting.

1. UX/UI designers who know how to build a good narrative

A good writer knows how to engage his reader and create a cohesive storyline that keeps the reader motivated to learn more. It is a common mistake for a business to hire a freelancer who is not skilled in creating a cohesive narrative and who does not grasp the basic principles of good writing. These types of freelancers will typically take the easy way out, which often results in content that is hard to follow and does not seem professional.

2. Product designers who know how to pitch a good story

A good product pitch is characterized by a smooth narrative that keeps the audience intrigued and involved in the proposed solution. The pitch should also clarify what the speaker understands about the problem, the proposed solution, and how it will benefit the target audience. For example, if you’re pitching a web designer for a hotel chain, you need to ensure the audience understands what kind of hotel you’re dealing with and what they can expect from the service.

3. Content strategists who can map out the content plan

A solid content plan is essential when crafting a content strategy, which will lay the foundation for your content creation process. The content plan should include the following:

  • Target audience analysis: This includes defining who your target audience is and identifying the problems they struggle with
  • Goals and metrics for the content initiative: Define your objectives and benchmarks for the content strategy and explain how you will measure its success
  • Keywords and keyword research: Select the most appropriate keywords and take advantage of long-tail keywords
  • Distribution plan: Select the platforms that you will use to distribute the content and develop a schedule for publishing
  • Content creation process: This includes the type of content you will create (e.g., case studies, how-to articles, etc.) and the sequence in which you will create it
  • Content review: Assess the quality of content created and re-edit where necessary
  • Content promotion: Use various methods (e.g., SEO, social media, etc.) to promote the content
  • Content archive: Keep a record of all the content created and make it available for future reference

4. Copywriters who can write compelling text for SEO purposes

An SEO-optimized web page’s goal is to rank highly on search engines when a user types in a keyword or phrase relating to the page’s content. The text on an SEO-optimized page is extremely important, and it needs to be concise, easy to understand, and memorable. To that end, SEO copywriters will typically take a more natural approach, using keywords and phrases that are synonymous with the type of content on the page. In addition to writing for search engines, SEO copywriters will also create compelling texts for e-mail marketing campaigns, social media, and other types of marketing projects.

5. Ghostwriters who can take care of the technicalities of copywriting

As the name implies, a ghostwriter is a freelance writer who works in tandem with a content strategist or copyeditor to create content that is both informative and original. A ghostwriter must be able to understand the purposes of the content and structure it correctly, while also ensuring that it adheres to all the relevant guidelines and SEO best practices. In addition to creating original content, a ghostwriter will often take on the role of fact-checking, editing, and formatting existing content to ensure its seamless integration into various online media.

6. Online marketers who can set up email campaigns, build purchase funnels, and track ROI

An online marketer’s primary responsibility is to generate interest and drive traffic to a website. This can be achieved using a variety of techniques such as SEO, PPC (Pay-per-click), and content marketing. Once the visitor arrives at the site, the online marketer’s responsibiliry is to retain the attention of the viewer and turn it into a paying customer. To do this, the online marketer will set up email marketing campaigns using tools such as HubSpot and MailChimp.

7. Bloggers who can build sustainable content

A blogger is someone who creates and publishes an online blog that features a steady stream of content. While there is no exact science to establishing a blogging schedule, a good rule of thumb is to publish at least one article per week. The content should be of value to the target audience and should be engaging enough to keep them coming back for more. Having a large following on social media is also beneficial as it can attract potential customers to your site.

As we’ve established, designers can play a crucial role in helping businesses establish authority in their niche. In doing so, designers can play a vital role in helping a business generate interest, establish credibility, and grow a brand for customers to discover.