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How to Describe a Room Without Tell-Alls

Sometimes, you just want to paint a room with no worries. There are some things that just go with the flow and do not need much thought. Describing a room as “spacious” or “cozy” implies that you know exactly what you are talking about. It is not really an original concept to want your life to be as effortless as possible, and nothing brings out the minimalist in us quite like a white backdrop with bright, primary colours. Let’s look at how you can achieve that effortlessly.

Keep It Minimal

One of the main things that make a room distinctive is the amount of empty space around it. If everything is within arms’ reach, there is no need to fill up the room with pieces of furniture. Keep decorations to a minimum and invest in pieces that are indispensable for daily life. For instance, we always need a table and chairs to eat at.

A dining table can be a focal point in the room and will make it much more lively. Keep your table and chairs minimal and simple to avoid taking up too much space. Another option is a bar that can be used either for serving drinks or just chilling with a favourite beverage. Be careful not to overdo it with the bar itself, as it can take up a lot of room. If there is a fireplace, keep it stocked with firewood so that the coziness is not ruined by the cold.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui can help you determine the flow of energy in your home and is a handy guideline to follow when decorating a room. In general, south-facing rooms are said to be lucky, while north-facing rooms are said to bring good fortune. If you are located in an apartment that does not have a northern exposure, you can definitely work on improving your living conditions by drawing the curtains, putting up blinds, or switching on the lamp beside your bed. The rule of thumb is: always place a lamp beside a bed, as these rooms are said to be the most peaceful and relaxed in the house. You can use feng shui to your advantage and create a feeling of tranquillity in your bedroom by following these tips. It is, however, important to note that drawing energy is not necessarily a negative thing and can instead be seen as a tool to help you improve your living conditions. It all depends on your perspective.

Light Is Everything

Even when you keep your room minimal, you cannot avoid using light. In general, a room without direct sunlight is said to be gloomy and depressing. Therefore, it is advisable to allow for as much natural lighting as possible through windows or skylights. It is also important to remember that artificial light is cheaper than electricity and will brighten up even the smallest of places. In terms of colours, it is best to keep them as natural as possible but using brighter palettes will help give the room a “vibrancy.” For instance, pastel colours mixed with a pop of colour will help give the atmosphere of a child’s bedroom or playroom a sense of novelty and excitement. Be careful not to overdo it and end up with an overly bright room, which can be difficult on the eyes. Always measure twice and cut once when cutting back on the lighting so that the final product does not end up being overwhelming. It is also important to bear in mind the position of the room in relation to the position of the sun so that you do not end up with shadows that are too dark or light. Direct sunlight is most beneficial in the morning as it gives you a spectacular lighting for most tasks. For instance, if you are cooking dinner, you will certainly want to be within arms’ reach of the kitchen range rather than having to hunt for a hotplate in the corner.

Choosing the right wallpaper is essential to finishing a room. After all, the final touch that makes a room unique is the wallpaper. There are several options when it comes to wallpapers, and you should go for patterns that are bold but not quite overwhelming. In addition, there are some patterns that are difficult to match exactly when duplicated, so be careful when choosing this option. Keep the design as simple as possible but make sure that it does not end up being a duplicate of something else in the room. For instance, if there is a dining table and chairs in the room, make sure that the wallpaper does not feature these elements overtly. A unique pattern will make the room look luxurious even if there is no other adornment other than the wallpaper itself. Of course, it is important to keep the design as balanced as possible so that it does not look like something was missing from the room. This is all about knowing where to draw the line so that you do not end up with a complete ban on patterned wallpaper in your home.

Decorating a room does not have to be difficult. In fact, it can be an opportunity to improve your living conditions and create a sanctuary for yourself. Make sure to keep the above tips in mind and you will be able to bring a unique and welcoming atmosphere to your home. Do not hesitate to experiment with different colours and palettes, as there is no wrong answer as long as it brings a smile to your face.