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Creative Writing: How to Write Rivals

Are you dreaming of writing your story, but find it difficult to figure out where to start?

Do you have a compelling tale to tell, but lack the skill necessary to pull it off?

If so, then this post is for you. We will teach you the basics of creative writing, including how to write a novel, novella, or short story. We will also teach you how to write a business plan so that you can present it to potential investors. Finally, we will provide you with countless examples of how to structure your story and make it memorable.

The Anatomy Of A Story

A story is a series of events that occur over a certain period of time. This event can be something as simple as a fight scene or as complex as the quest for love. Regardless of the complexity, the backbone of every story is always the same – a conflict.

A story will usually begin with an inciting incident that sets the stage. There is usually a catalyst that suddenly brings the conflict to the forefront. For example, let’s say you are writing about the fight for survival between two people – perhaps one is a Nazi soldier and the other is a civilian. Your story might begin with one of them shooting the other. Or, you could say there is a terrible storm that strands both of them on an island. Their struggle to survive becomes the central theme of your story.

Once you have your inciting incident, you will need to establish characters. A novel or story can only have so much description – the writer is only human after all. Therefore, the role of the character description is to paint the reader a picture in their mind. If you are lucky enough to have a fully developed cast of characters, then you can choose from amongst them whenever you want. This will help you pull the story along more quickly. It is always better to have more than one antagonist, who each have a different motive for doing what they do. A good story will have a variety of conflicts that spring up throughout the narrative. These can range from simple to complex, and they can include anything from moral dilemmas to physical struggles. Sometimes the conflict can even arise from the external environment- such as the weather- rather than from the characters themselves.

The Different Forms Of Creative Writing

While there is no one right way to write, there are numerous different styles of creative writing that you can choose from. If you are fortunate enough to have access to the publishing world, then you have the whole plethora of styles at your fingertips. However, if you are looking to create something from scratch, then you have to rely on what is available to you. This might mean exploring less traditional forms of writing, such as flash fiction, micro fiction, or prose poetry. The important thing is to find the style that works best for you.

It is also advisable to plan out the plot of your story. Even if you are writing a short story, it is a good idea to give it a beginning, middle, and end. This will help you craft a story with a beginning, middle, and end, as well as establish a structure that serves as a foundation for the story. The end result will be that the reader feels they have travelled along with you through the most exciting novel or story you can imagine. The most effective way to do this is by structuring your story or dialogue around a central conflict – the bigger the better.

Choosing A Genre

There are numerous different genres of fiction – from magical realist novels to science fiction to horror – and each has its perks. When choosing a genre, you will need to bear in mind what kind of story you are trying to tell. Will you tell a comic book story or a mysterious ghost story? For that matter, does your story take place in the present day or in a fantastical world? Horror stories, for example, generally involve something supernatural happening to the characters, whilst science fiction allows for the possibility of extraordinary events.

As for the antagonist, do you want an obvious bad guy or a more nuanced portrayal? A good villain is essential for any story – they provide the conflict and allow the reader to understand the reasons behind the conflict. However, an anti-hero is a character that the reader can actually root for. This is in contrast to a villain, who the reader expects to cause chaos.

The Difference Between A Novel, Novella, And Short Story

Although all three can be considered forms of creative writing, there are distinct differences between a novel, novella, and short story. A novel is a long form of creative writing that varies in length from 40,000 to 80,000 words. This is known as a full-length novel. A novella is a shorter form of novel that frequently ranges from 20,000 to 40,000 words. An example of a novella is Joe Haldeman’s The Forever War, which focuses on the many struggles that the human species goes through in an effort to exist.

A short story is a form of creative writing that can be as short as 5000 words or as long as 20,000. This is known as a short story. Some famous short stories include O. Henry’s The Ransom of Red Chief and Ray Bradbury’s The Gold Bug.

How To Write A Novel

If you want to write a novel, then first of all, congratulations! You can consider yourself a writer, and we wish you all the best in your endeavours. Once you have decided to write a novel, the first thing you should do is decide what it is you want to write about. This is easier said than done, and it is a step that can be very frustrating – when you are stuck, it can be hard to move forward. For that matter, you can write about anything you want, but there are certain things you should avoid. For instance, try not to write about something that happened to you as a child. It might be hard to put into words what you were feeling at the time, but it could be cathartic for you to write about it now as an adult. On the other hand, if you do want to write about something that happened to you as a child, then make sure that you check with your parents before proceeding.

If your aim is to write a page-turner that will keep the reader enthralled, then you might want to consider focusing on the action of the story rather than setting it in a remote location or in a fantastical world. The more you can set it in a contemporary setting, the more likely you are to pull off this elusive feat.

Next, you will need to establish a plot. The plot of your story is the backbone of your work, and it is important that you include essential details that make the story thrilling. In order to write an exciting story, you will need to follow a set of rules – something that the most successful novelists do everyday. The most effective way to write an exciting story is to begin with a inciting incident – something that happens that will set the stage for the rest of the story.

The next step is to introduce characters. A novel needs a cast of good primary characters who the reader can identify with. This will make them more relatable and, as a result, engrossing. Make sure to avoid having a flat cast of characters who are two dimensional and serve no purpose other than to be in the way. Flat characters can become annoying, especially if they do not have distinct identities. When developing your characters, make sure to base them on real people or you will find yourself in trouble. An example of this would be Marvel’s Loki from the Avengers movie- the character is based on the Norse god of mischief, and although he is a comic book character, he still exists in the real world. Base your characters on people you know or people you have observed. Even if the character does not show up until a later chapter of your story, the reader will still remember them and may feel as though they have known them their entire life.