With a rapidly changing world, it is essential that we study and understand the differences between men and women if we want to progress successfully as a society. Although the world is still largely patriarchal, there are signs that things are changing and becoming more balanced. Creative writing is a great example of an area that has traditionally been dominated by men but is now empowering women to have a voice.
If you’re interested in a career in creative writing, you’ll need to consider whether or not to pursue a degree in gender studies. Here we’ll discuss the reasons why.
Gender Studies Can Help You Become More Informed
In the past, women’s studies and gender studies would rarely be mentioned in the same sentence. In fact, many people may not even know what a gender studies degree is. This is largely thanks to the increased media attention that has led to more people becoming aware of and interested in gender issues. This is great news as it means there’s more opportunity for people who study gender.
A major in gender studies will teach you about the differences between men and women. You’ll not only learn about literary theory and how to write academic essays but you’ll also engage with the wider reading community through seminars and classes. This means you’ll get the chance to broaden your horizons and become more informed about current affairs.
It Pays To Be Unique
The world of creative writing is a diverse place, and it often attracts those who want to experiment and be different. Many people see writing as a form of self-expression and a way to show the world who they are. Although this may be true, it also means there’s a great deal of competition.
If you’re a fan of an independent lifestyle and seek to break free from the rat race, you may want to consider a career in creative writing. Not only will this give you a creative outlet but it will also allow you to be unique. After all, nobody else will have a degree in gender studies when you finish!
The Industry Is Changing
Just because the world is changing doesn’t mean that working in creative writing is going to become obsolete. Thanks to the increased interest in gender studies, there are now plenty of job opportunities for students who pursue this degree. Whether you decide to go for a traditional publishing route or seek to become an independent writer, having a degree in gender studies will help you stand out from the crowd.
A Career In Creative Writing Can Be A Powerful Voice
As we’ve established, the world of creative writing is a competitive one. This means that if you want to make a career out of writing, you’ll need to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way. One of the best things about a major in gender studies is that it gives you the chance to do just that.
In addition to teaching you how to write and how to be a well-rounded individual, a degree in gender studies will also give you the opportunity to develop your own voice as an author. Whether you choose to write dark or light-hearted pieces, you’ll have the opportunity to experiment and see what resonates with readers the most.
If you want to make a career out of writing and want to do something different, you may want to consider a degree in gender studies. This is an area that is changing rapidly but also offers great opportunity for those who want to make a difference.